
History timeline

By diacha1
  • 3000 BCE

    Mycenaen civilization

    Mycenaen civilization
    Att 3000 BCE the first persons habit the Mycenaen territory, after this the civilization start to develop until it turn into the Mycenaean civilization.
  • 2000 BCE

    Minoan civilization

    Minoan civilization
    The Minoan civilization emerged thanks to many farmers and villages that where living in the Crete island. It emerge around the 2000 BCE. http://www.ancient.eu/Minoan_Civilization/
  • 1900 BCE

    The first palace

    The first palace
    In 1900 BCE in the Minoan civilization was the construction of the first palace . This palace surround the city of Knossos on the island(Crete).
  • 766 BCE

    The olympic games

    The olympic games
    The olympic games began on classical Greece around the 766 BCE. This games where in honor to Zeus that was their major god.When the games began the women couldn't participate in them. It is very important because is a tradition that has been conserved many years. http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/Olympics/
  • 753 BCE

    Monarchy in Rome

    Monarchy in Rome
    The first king of Rome was Romulus and its ruled starts in 753 BCE. The monarchy was a type of goverment that was ruled by only one person that was named the king or the monarch. http://study.com/academy/lesson/ancient-roman-monarchy-timeline-lesson-quiz.html
  • 507 BCE


    The Athenian persons create a new system of self-government that they called demokratia.Demokratia means rule by the people that was the purpose of that. The demokratia survive for only two cetuaries but was a very big contribution to the worlds form of goverment. http://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/ancient-greece-democracy
  • 450 BCE

    The twelve tables

    The twelve tables
    On 450 BCE the twelve tables( were the laws where writen) are finished. this laws where implemented in Rome and the ones that want them were the plebeians.This laws had very hard punishments and where very strict. http://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Law/
  • 27 BCE

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Pax Romana that mean´s peace and prosperity was a period that lasted 200. In this time the Roman empire has a good develompment because it was in peace, so the rulers can pay attention to other problems of the empire. The different emperors construct different things like colleseums, aqueducts, ways, among others that help to the good life of the habitants of Rome. http://www.ancient.eu/Pax_Romana/
  • Period: 31 to 14 BCE

    The first Roman emperor

    The Roman empire starts when Julius Caecar that gave himself the name of Augustus starts his ruled in 31 BCE. The Roman empire was the most bigger social and political structure. His time of ruling ends in 14 BCE when he died. http://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Empire/
  • 200

    The Taironas

    The Taironas
    Since 200 CE the Taironas that was a culture located on Colombia start being very good working with gold, rocks and shells. They lived on the Sierrra Nevada de Santa Marta and they use allthe resources they have. http://www.todacolombia.com/culturas-precolombinas-en-colombia/cultura-tairona-historia-3.html
  • Period: 376 to 382

    The fall of the Roman Empire

    The Roman empire fall between 376-382 CE because of the battles with the Goths today call the Gothic war. After a battle that happend August 9 of 378 CE the emperor declined and the Roman empire fall. http://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Empire/
  • Nov 4, 600

    The Muiscas

    The Muiscas
    The Muisca civilization also known as the Chibcha civilization flourished in 600 CE. Their were located in the ancient Colombia were now is located Bogotá. They were very good workers with the gold and have a legend that is named El Dorado. www.ancient.eu
  • Nov 4, 1200

    The Olmecs

    The Olmecs
    The civilization is considered one of the most erliest civilizations in central America. This civilization came before the Aztecs empire. This civilization developed in 1200 BCE and declined around 400 BCE. aztec-history.com
  • Nov 4, 1345

    The aztecs

    The aztecs
    The Aztec Empire grow between 1345 and 1521 CE. This was a very big empire and was recognice by their constructions. It covers almost all the north of central America and it was vary good in agriculture. http://www.ancient.eu/Aztec_Civilization/
  • Nov 4, 1400

    The Incas

    The Incas
    The Inca civilization grow in ancient Perú between the 1400 and the 1533 CE. This civilization was very important because of their different constructions and how they expand in south America. http://www.ancient.eu/Inca_Civilization/
  • The Mayas

    The Mayas
    The earliest Maya settlements where foundate around the 1800 BCE. The Mayas were very good at agriculture and grow crops of corn, beans, squash and cassava. Also they werevery good farmers. http://www.history.com/topics/maya