His202 Chronology Exam 1

  • Election of 1860

  • First Bull Run

  • Confederate Constitution

  • Period: to

    Fort Sumter

  • Proclamation of Insurrection

  • Antiteam

  • Militia Act

  • Period: to

    Emancipation Proclamation

  • Vicksburg

  • Gettysburg

  • Enrollment Act

  • Period: to

    NYC Draft Riots

  • Period: to

    Sherman's March

  • 13th Amendment

  • Ford's Theatre

  • Jourdon Anderson

  • Period: to


  • Appomattox

  • 14th Amendment

  • 15th Amendment

  • Colfax Massacre

  • Election of 1876

  • Ida B. Wells

  • Southern Horros

  • Plessy V. Ferguson