4 pm
A theology student with two kindergarden children tell that the Parish House church in the city had burned down. Father superior and LaSalle are in a refuge in Asano Park. They go to the city for them. After a while they find them and tell their story of how their day went. They struggle with themselves and others which they help. They are stopped by soldiers that think they are Americans, but they clarify otherwise. -
7 am
an alarm was heard, but it was common during those times -
8 am
an all-clear sign sounded -
A bright light surrounds the valley of Hiroshima and a heat wave is felt. After some seconds a loud sound is heard and the glass breaks where the preist was looking. -
People start to come from the valley to where the priest is. The people are mostly injured severely. People in the chapel started to help these people. It is soon known that the center of the explotion was at the edge of the city at Yokogawa Station. -
1 pm
Father Kepp that was during in the city before the bombing returns to the chapel. Soon news is received that the entire city was destroyed by the bomb. Brother Stolto and Balighagen go to the city to look for people to help them. -
12 am
The preist becomes a bearer in which he helps take people out of the city. -
5:30 am
They arrive at Novitate, the outskirts of the city. -
7:30 am
The priests gives mass, since it’s the foundations anniversary. He goes back to the city with some to bring some known ones. -
3 pm
: They are back in Nagatuski, but they go back to bring in a family they had previously found. When they arrived at Nagatuski it became dark again, they came back with a lot of refugees in need for help. -
Period: to
about some days after the bombing
“Funeral processions” happened around the house they were staying. The people were burned. -
about 3 months after bombing
The mother of some children the priests had found reunited with them.