
  • The Hindu Renaissance begins

    The Hindu Renaissance begins
    The Hindu Renaissance begins around 1600. Scholars focus on modernistic interpretations of the sacred texts and social reform.
  • The British East India Company wins trading rights in the Mughal empire

    The British East India Company wins trading rights in the Mughal empire
    Hoping to make money trading with India, the British East India Company wins trading rights on the fringe of the Mughal empire in 1617. As the Mughal empire declines, the East India Company’s influence in India grows steadily.
  • Taj Mahal

    Taj Mahal
    The Taj Majal is completed in Agra. It is built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his of wife Mumtaz Mahal.
  • Parliament puts India directly under control of the British crown.

    Parliament puts India directly under control of the British crown.
    Parliament ends the rule of the East India Company and places India directly under control of the British crown on August 2, 1858. India is now governed by colonial rule, with British officials ruling in the name of the queen and holding top positions. Britain slows the reforms that so angered Hindus and Muslims, but continues to develop India for its own economic benefit.
  • The Vedanta Society is formed.

    The Vedanta Society is formed.
    Formed by Vivekananda in 1894, the Vedanta Society promotes Hinduism as a religion in the west, and argues for India's integration as a single nation.
  • Capital city change

    Capital city change
    The capital city is moved from Calcutta to Delhi by the British government.
  • Mahatma Gandhi launches a campaign of noncooperation

    Mahatma Gandhi launches a campaign of noncooperation
    Indian lawyer Mahatma Gandhi launches a two-year campaign of noncooperation beginning in 1920. He encourages Indians to leave British institutions, return British honors, and practice self-reliance. While Gandhi is forced to stop the campaign upon his arrest and imprisonment in 1922, he goes on to become the most recognized leader of the Indian nationalist movement.
  • Britain agrees to grant India independence.

    Britain agrees to grant India independence.
    After World War II, Britain finally agrees to grant India independence. However, the Muslim League, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, insists that the Muslim minority have its own separate state, Pakistan. Britain decides to partition the subcontinent into two states: Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India. This causes massive migration and death as members of the two religious groups travel to their new states.
  • India becomes a republic

    India becomes a republic
  • Population

    India's population reaches over 1 billion people