Hind AlHusseini

By yarat
  • Hind AlHusseini was born

  • Hind finished elementary school, and then joined the English Secondary School to become a teacher.

  • Hind AlHusseini graduated

  • She quit teaching and decided to take on social work

  • The Deir Yassin Massacre occured

  • Hind founded and orphanage and school, Dar El-Tifel El-Arabi

  • Dar El-Tifel was extended

  • Hind founded a college for women.

  • Hind received the Jordan Globe Medallion for Social Work.

  • Hind was awarded the the Jordan Globe Medallion for Education.

  • Hind was given the First Degree Medallion from Germany

  • Hind AlHusseini died.