Hillary clinton

Hillary Clinton

  • Hillary Diane Rodham is born

    Hillary is born to Hugh Ellsworth Rodham and Dorothy Emma Howell.
  • Hillary meets Martin Luther King

    She met him through a church club. He played a large role in her life because his dream for equality helped spark Hillary's interest in the feminist movement.
  • Hillary Graduates

    Hillary graduates from Maine South High School. She was redistricted after three years at Maine East High School. She finished fifteenth in her year and voted "Female Most Likely to Succeed"
  • Hillary Starts College

    Hillary started at Wllesley College, majoring in Political Science.
  • Hillary Graduates College

    Hillary graduates Wellesley College. She majored in Political Science. She went on to further education at Yale.
  • Hillary starts at Yale

    Hillary starts at Yale graduate school to study law. Yale is where she meets her future husband, Bill Clinton.
  • Hillary moves into a house

    Hillary moves into a house with her classmate at Yale, Bill Clinton.
  • Hillary gets married

    Hillary marries Bill Clinton.
  • Chelsea Clinton is born

    Hillary gives birth to her only daughter, Chelsea Clinton. Despite Hillary being first lady, she made time for her daughter.
  • Hillary becomes first lady

    Hillary's husband, Bill Clinton, is elected president
  • Re-Elected to the US Senate

    Hillary was re-elected to the US Senate from New York
  • Hillary launches her presidential campaign

    Running in the Democratic Party, Hillary planned to become the first women president, but lost the elction to Barack Obama.
  • Nominated as 67th Secretary of State

    Barack Obama nominates Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State.