Hilary putnam

Hilary Putnam

  • The birth of Hilary Putnam

    The birth of Hilary Putnam
    Hilary Putnam was born in Chicago, IL, on July 31, 1926. He was an American philosopher who significantly influenced many different branches of philosophy, such as metaphysics, epistemology, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of logic.
  • Havard

    In 1965 he joined the faculty at Harvard University until his retirement. As a professor, he taught a class on the Philosophy of religion, teaching about the wisdom that comes from aesthetics and religion. Weber, Bruce. “Hilary Putnam, Giant of Modern Philosophy, Dies at 89.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Mar. 2016, www.nytimes.com/2016/03/18/arts/hilary-putnam-giant-of-modern-philosophy-dies-at-89.html.
  • Meaning of meaning

    Meaning of meaning
    In 1975 Putman wrote a paper, “The Meaning of ‘Meaning,’” showcasing his experiment called Twin Earth. This place would be a replica of Earth, where the chemical makeup of water would be XYZ instead of H2O.
    Weber, Bruce. “Hilary Putnam, Giant of Modern Philosophy, Dies at 89.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Mar. 2016, www.nytimes.com/2016/03/18/arts/hilary-putnam-giant-of-modern-philosophy-dies-at-89.html. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsTfTcyiRDc
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    Hilary's work

    In 1976, he proposed that "metaphysical realism" should be replaced with "internal realism". In 1981, he conducted an experiment referred to as "Brains in a Vat", which made people question realism, and when thinking of an image with a brain in a vat, the brain would produce the most computer-generated image of that object.
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    Later work

    After his son asked for a Bar-Mitzvah, Putman switched his focus to the philosophy of Judaism. He wrote a book on Jewish Philosophy as a Way of Life; however, his belief in science made him reject the belief in supernatural gods.
  • Retired

    In 2000, Putman retired as Cogan University Professor Emeritus at Harvard. Even after retirement, he continued to be an active philosopher and served as a guide and inspired future scientists.
  • Death of Hilary Putnam

    Death of Hilary Putnam
    Putman died on March 13, 2016, at his home in Arlington, Mass at the age of 89. His death was caused by a metastasized mesothelioma.
    Weber, Bruce. “Hilary Putnam, Giant of Modern Philosophy, Dies at 89.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Mar. 2016, www.nytimes.com/2016/03/18/arts/hilary-putnam-giant-of-modern-philosophy-dies-at-89.html.