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High School
Became a member of Etowah FBLA
Entering into high school. I was like any clueless freshman trying to find his path. My sister was a senior and introduced me to FBLA and I slowly found myself forming a passion for this organization. -
Chartering E.T. Booth FBLA
Starting a FBLA Chapter at E.T. Booth was not simply and took summer preparation. I spoke many times with the business and computer science teacher at E.T. Booth. She agreed to form a chapter and the great thing about this was that it would benefit Etowah FBLA. Along with helping Etowah FBLA, I got to work with the students and it was a life changer for me. Seeing kids interested in business and having 30 members join in the first year. We had 2 members show at the first meeting. -
National Technicial Honor Society
This was the night where I was inducted into the Etowah National Technicial Honor Society. You had to have above a 3.0 GPA average as well as being nominated by a career and technicial education teacher in the school. This was a great moment for me because I served as the Secretary for Etowah NTHS and allowed me to meet many important people from the county office. -
Georgia FBLA State Officership
This was the day where hard work, dedication, and passion paid off. I work with Dr. Pat Denney and the county along with Mr. Chris Jeffreys to be able to run for state office. It was one of my most proudest moments, as I knew I worked hard to get to the where I was. This experience allowed me to grow as a leader, public speaker, and become more confident with everything I do. -
State Leadership Conference
In the past year, I spoke to over 8,000 members of Georgia FBLA. These members worked hard all year long to get to the State Leadership Conference. They competed at Region and again at state to represent their school and ultimately to be the best in the nation. As a state officer this would be our final moment to give our last presence on stage in front of all our members.