High Heels

  • 1522

    A Brief History of High Heels

    A Brief History of High Heels
    High heels were invented in around 1522. Their have been worn by men and women for extra height, social standing or to stay in fashion.
  • High Heels Become Accessible to the Masses

    High Heels Become Accessible to the Masses
    This time, though, heels were almost exclusively worn by women.
    In the 1950s the more feminine but less practical stiletto heels came into fashion.But before that, their have seasons of higher or shorter heels. For example in the 1920s heels gradualy grew taller, but then in 1930/40s their grew shorter.
  • Causing Quite the Stir

    Causing Quite the Stir
    In the 1970s, feninists argued heels oppressed and stereotyped women, but by the 1980s and after women were still choosing to wear heels. High heels continue to be an indispensable fashion item in the 21st century.