England 1778 Part 2
While Britain was sending prisoners to America, America had a Cival War and it became Independent and is now known as the USA. So Britain couldn't send prisoners there anymore. Britain was running out of Housing space and Prison space. So Britain hired someone to find a place to put prisoners and free settlers, he is known as Captain Cook and he found Australia. So Britain decided to send prisoners and free settlers there and it was known as a Penal Colony. -
England 1778 Part 1
Britain was terrible before the British founded Australia. Britain's population was growing because people from out of town were deciding to work in the city. With there being so many people there was no space for anyone and a lot of people couldn't find jobs. Then there was poverty and crime, many people were poor and they did crime to get things, so many people went to jail but the jails were getting full so the British started sending prisoners to America. -
Period: to
British Settlements in Australia 1778 - 1850
Arthur Phillip rose the Australian Flag at Sydney Cove.
On this date The Governor, Arthur Phillip rose the Australian Flag at Sydney Cove and 751 Convicts were sent there along with 252 Marines and Families. The 26 January is now Celebrated as Australia Day each year. -
Convict Workers 1788 - 1792
Between 1788 and 1792 Convicts worked as brickmakers, carpenters, nurses, servants, cattleman, shepherds and farmers. -
1790 Convicts
In 1790 a Convict Fleet came to Australia. -
20% were Women Convicts
20% of Convicts were Women who worked at 'Female Factories'. -
Governor Phillip Get's Speared
On the 7th of September 1790, Governor Phillip got speared by Aboriginal's on the beach and had a serious injury. It was because the Aboriginal's were taking revenge when Governor Phillip kidnapped Bennelong. -
1791 Convicts
In 1791 a Convict Fleet came to Australia. -
1793 Free Settlers
In 1793 a Free Settlers Fleet came to Australia -
Convicts in the 1800s
In the 1800s some convicts were sent to Norfolk Island, Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), Port Macquarie and Moreton Bay to create more colonies around Australia. -
75 000 Convicts Transported to Australia
Between 1803 and 1853, 75 000 convicts were transported to Australia! -
1810 Convict Workers
By 1810 convicts were working to build roads, causeways, bridges, courthouses, and hospitals. -
NSW Penal Colony
In 1823 the Colony of NSW was officially known as a Penal Colony to put more Convicts coming from British Fleets. -
Redcliffe Penal Colony
In 1824 Redcliffe Penal Colony was established. It later got changed to Brisbane. -
23 Convicts Sent to Western Australia
On the 25 December 1826, Edmund Lockyer, 23 convicts and some troops were sent to King George Sound in Western Australia to establish a settlement. This is because the Governor of NSW, Ralph Darling, feared that Western Australia was going to be established by the French before they could establish it. -
1827 Van Diemen's Land
In 1827 Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) became a Colony. -
Western Australia Free Colony
On 2 May 1829 Western Australia was established as a Free Colony for Free Settlers when Captain Fremantle took possession of WA by the King of England. -
Moreton Bay Penal Station Closed
In 1839 the Moreton Bay Penal Station was closed down. About 2280 were sent there between 1824 to 1839. -
Convicts Sent to Victoria 1844 - 1849
From 1844 - 1849, 1750 convicts were sent to Victoria. -
Convicts from 1849 to 1868
From 1849 to 1868, 9000 convicts were sent to Australia from England. -
Western Australia became Penal Colony
In May 1849 British changed the colony of Western Australia to a Penal Colony.