HIGE Assessment Term 1 - Australian Colony's

  • Over Crowding in cities

  • Dirty/sickness - Polusion

  • Death - loss of economy

  • Poverty - crime - more prisoners

  • Another place to own and more control

  • The First Fleet Leaves

    The First Fleet Leaves
    The First Fleet, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, leaves in May.
  • First Discovery

    First Discovery
    Captain Cook found Australia. The First Fleet arrives at Port Jackson. Captain Phillip takes possession of Sydney cove for Great Britain.
  • A court is in NSW

    The first criminal court is held in NSW. A colony at Norfolk Island started.
  • Phillip - Orders Bennelong

    Governor Phillip orders the capture of Bennelong. Phillip hopes that Bennelong can teach him where to find food.
  • The Second Fleet arrives

    The Second Fleet arrives
    The Second Fleet arrives at Sydney Cove
  • The Third Fleet arrives

    The Third Fleet arrives
    The Third Fleet arrives in Sydney Cove
  • Phillip gives land to James Ruse

    Phillip gives land to James Ruse
    Governor Phillip gives the first land grant to James Ruse, an emancipated convict.
  • Francis Grose - Govenor

    Francis Grose - Govenor
    Francis Grose is appointed Lieutenant Govenor of NSW.
  • Governor Phillip resigns

    Governor Phillip resigns
    Governor Phillip resigns and sails for England.
  • William Paterson - Govenor

    William Paterson - Govenor
    William Paterson replaces Francis Grose as Lieutenant Governor of NSW.
  • John Hunter - Govenor

    John Hunter - Govenor
    The new Govenor of NSW, John Hunter arrives in the colony.
  • Phillip King - Govenor

    Phillip King - Govenor
    Phillip King replaces John Hunter as Govenor of NSW.
  • Mather Flinder - Named Australia

    Mather Flinder - Named Australia
    Mathew Flinders returns from his voyage around NSW and New Holland in July and the land to be named 'Australia.'
  • Black War

    Black War
    Solidiers kill many Aboriginal people at Risdon Cove, Van Biemen's land in May. This is known as the Risdon Massacre and the begining of the Black War.
  • Western Australia was found

    Western Australia was found
  • South Australia was found

    South Australia was found
  • Victoria was found

    Victoria was found
  • Queensland was found

    Queensland was found
  • Northern Territory was found

    Northern Territory was found