
HIGE Assessment Term 1

By Rhys6R
  • Period: to

    Dream Time

    Before the 29th of April the Aboriginal people were in the "dream time" as they were telling relatives and friends about the beginning of their land
  • Bennelong born

    Bennelong born
    The famous Bennelong was born into this world but he did not know what he will do when he is older.
  • Captain Cook and Joseph banks land in Australia

    Captain Cook and Joseph banks land in Australia
    The world famous explorer Captain Cook and his trusty botanist Joseph Banks land in Australia and the Aboriginal people are scared and curios about these "Ghosts"
  • Reasons for English to send Convicts to Australia

    1. Everyone was going to jail from steeling (They needed food from somewhere.)And they needed a place to store all there convicts after recently losing to America in the war of independence.
  • Reasons for English to send Convicts to Australia

    1.The British were going through the process of them making machines to do the work for them and they were getting poorer and poorer.
  • Reasons for English to send convicts to Australia

    2.The people were moving to the city to get jobs (As they machines to do farming for them.) And there were too much people in the cities.
  • Captain Cook Dead

    Captain Cook Dead
    Captain Cook speared by the native people while he was exploring Hawaii
  • War of Independence Over

    War of Independence Over
    The British lose to the Americans so they can't send their convicts to America anymore so they decide to send them to recently found Australia.They came to Australia to expand there land capacity and to stop the french from getting here.
  • First Fleet Landing date

    First Fleet Landing date
    The First Fleet land in Australia but must wait until the 26th of January till the convicts can come out but the aboriginal people on the other hand are furious they took there land.
  • Bennelong Captured by Captain Arthur Phillip

    Bennelong Captured by Captain Arthur Phillip
    Bennelong captured! with Captain Arthur Phillip trying to make him learn English
  • Second Fleet's Landing

    The second fleet landed in Australia sending more convicts with crops and building supplies
  • Bennelong Escapes Arthur Philip

    Bennelong Escaping Arthur Phillip's Prison forcing him to learn English.Bennelong Escaped going to manly cove where Arthur Phillip nearly capturing Bennelong again
  • Arthur Phillip Speared

    Arthur Phillip Speared
    Arthur Phillip getting desperate to find Bennelong after hearing rumours about him meeting at Collins Cove(Now Manly Cove.)But instead got ambushed by Aboriginal people but he did not die.
  • Bennelong Dead

    Bennelong dead from old age at kissing point after he escapes "Arthur Phillip's prison"
  • Arthur Phillip Dead

    Arthur Phillip Dead
    Arthur Phillip Dead.He died in Bath UK from old age he went back to England before he died, as he has retied
  • Joseph Banks Dead

    Joseph Banks Dead
    Joseph Banks dead from old age and he was very old for that time as he was 77 years old
  • British Stop Sending Convicts To Australia

    British Stop Sending Convicts To Australia
    The British has decided to stop sending convicts to Australia as there jail cels are getting smaller and smaller and there amount of criminals are decreasing as well