American independence
The American independence has happened and the British need a new place to send their convicts. -
Why Australia was colonised
The main reasons economically that Australia was colonised was because the new age of mechanics in London had drew people looking for work. The new craze of people looking for work made it socially unbearable to live in the city because there was so many people making you feel like you were packet in like sardines. Also the smoke from the chimneys of the factories turned the cities black with sutt and charcoal. -
British claim Australia
The British claim Australia as they believe that it is Terra Nullius( land belonging to nobody). -
British land in Australia
Captain Cook and Joseph Banks land in Sydney Cove. At first they didn't even think that the aboriginals were people. However, once they landed that realised that they were fierce warriors who had no desire to leave. -
Smallpox epidemic
An epidemic of smallpox sweaps through Sydney Cove killing most of the aboriginal population. -
Bennelong captured
Arthur Phillip orders for the capture of the aboriginal Bennelong. He did this so that Bennelong would show them how to get food out of Australia. -
The 'Sirius' is shipwrecked
The supply ship the 'Sirius' is shipwrecked off Norfolk Island after being sent to China for food and supplies. -
Phillip stabbed
Governed Arthur Phillip is stabbed by aboriginals on manly beach. Phillip was actually a very peaceful man. He dreamed of British and aboriginal cultures murging into a quiet and peaceful society. The only reason that he was stabbed at all was because the aboriginals
retaliated to him capturing Bennelong to find where and how to farm food. -
Macquarie takes over.
Lachlan Macquarie replaces Arthur Phillip as governor of New South Wales. -
Western Australia
Western Australia is founded. -
South Australia
South Australia is founded.