industrial revolution started
When the industrial revolution started the streets were covered in smoke. -
Over crowed jails.
everyone was stealing because they were poor so they needed to send the prisoners somewhere else. -
Inventors built new machines
Inventors built new machines that could do thing fasters so people in Britain lost their jobs. -
The american war of independence
america did not want prisoners form Britain -
Stayed in Port Philip
The first Fleet arrived in botany bay with the convicts and the british. -
Bennelong got captured by Phillp
Phillip captured him to learn more about Aboriginals -
Sailing out to Albany
When sailing out to Albany the food was poor and the sea was rocky and everyone felt sick. -
Arrived in Albany
When they arrived at Albany thought who are theres people standing on this land saying different words they did not understand.
The people who came when they went to Albany.
Convicts -
There arrived at Fremantle
The Europeans wanted to claim as much of this land as possible. -
industrial revolution end
Gold rush
lots of mine grate came to the Gold rush