

By ashokdp
  • "EMPOWERING RURAL CHILDREN IN INDIA THROUGH EDUCATION AND SKILLS". It focus on skill development of children and engaging them to gain career for better standard of life in their own surrounding.

    "EMPOWERING RURAL CHILDREN IN INDIA THROUGH EDUCATION AND SKILLS". It focus on skill development of children and engaging them to gain career for better standard of life in their own surrounding.
    This is a project which was planned & executed by Reliance Foundation(NGO) to provide formal education and training in carpentry, plumbing,tailoring,garment making and agriculture, to children in India, from 2010 to 2011 (temporary) .It is unique because 1000 members were deployed in different areas for conducting training.Developing interest,aptitude in livelihood skills and strengthening rural economy are deliverable(service). Time is fixed, cost was compromised, and quality is enhance.
  • " NEW CHILD CARE FACILITY AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY". It aims to maintain a strong commitment to help members of the campus community to balance work and life.

    " NEW CHILD CARE FACILITY AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY". It aims to maintain a strong commitment to help members of the campus community to balance work and life.
    University will construct a new child care facility for up to 200 children.This is a project which is planned and implemented by Thompson Architects.Project duration 2012-2014(temporary).unique because of its size.Defined deliverable-facility can accommodate infants & preschool children with extensive indoor,outdoor teaching & play areas.Time is fixed as they need to open the facility on the due date. cost is trade-off. Quality is enhanced for excellent infrastructure for children.
  • "HI-TECH SCHOOLS" IN KERALA, INDIA. It aims to turn the state into the first fully digital education state in the country.

    "HI-TECH SCHOOLS" IN KERALA, INDIA. It aims to turn the state into the first fully digital education state in the country.
    This is a project which was planned by state government and implementing by ICT solutions to upgrade the education system in 4775 state-run schools. This project was unique because government made a great break through in education industry. It is temporary as the project started in 2016 and completes in 2018. Defined deliverable includes computer equipped classrooms, multimedia projectors and internet facilities.
    Project priority matrix:cost is fixed, time is trade-off and quality is enhanced.