Enlists in the German Navy
Resigned from Navy
Compelled to stand down from the Navy as he was found guilty of dishonoring the officer corps. He then becomes involved with the Nazi party. -
Developement of the SD
The leader of the SS bringsHeydrich into the SS and sets him up working on and developing the SD -
Marries Lina Von Osten -
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor
Nazis take control of the German state -
Heydrich becomes deputy
commander of the political police detective force makes Heydrich his deputy -
Commander of the Gestapo
Heydrich takes command of the Gestapo while still being the chief of the SD -
Nazi party names the SD as the only authorized agency to gather political intelligence inside the Third Reich -
Chief of the Security Police
Development plans
Heydrich has been authorized to make plans for the 'solution to the Jewish Question in Germany -
Invasion of Poland
Germany Invades Poland, starting the second world war -
Commander of the RSHA
Heydrich is anointed the commander of the RSHA, which links both the security police and the SD -
Acting Portector for the Protectorate
Hitler appoints Heydrich the acting Reich protector of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, now known as the Czech Republic -
Invasion of the Soviet Union
Security police and the SD follow the German army and begin to kill Jews -
'Solution of the Jewish Question'
Heydrich has been authorized to gather resources for a 'solution of the Jewish Question throughout Eurpoe -
Presentation of the 'Final solution of the Jewish Question'
Heydrich presents his plans to bring all of Europe into the 'final solution of the Jewish Question' to key officials from the Reich Ministeries -
assassination of Heydrich
Czech agents succeed in rolling a grenade under Heydrich's car which resulted in metal going into Heydrich's back and leg. However, this did not kill him. -
Heydrich Death
Heydrich dies from an infection as a result of the wounds from the assassination -
Heydrich funeral
On the day of Heydrich funeral, Hitler orders revenge measures against the Czech population