Heterosexism Timeline

  • Lesbian Organization

    In 1956 The Daughters Of Bilits Established The Lesbian Organization.
  • First State

    First State
    In 1962 Illinois Becomes The 1st State In The U.S To Descrimialize Homosexuality.
  • Homosexuality

    Illinois repeals its sodomy laws, becoming the first U.S. state to decriminalize homosexuality.
  • Transgender Organization

    Transgender Organization
    In 1966 The Worlds 1st Transgender Organization Was Created "The National Trannsexual Counseling Unit."
  • Homosexuality As A Mental Disorder

    Homosexuality As A Mental Disorder
    In 1973 Homosexuality Is Removoved As A Mental Disorder.
  • Mental Illness

    The board of the American Psychiatric Association votes to remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses
  • Discrmination

    Wisconsin becomes the first U.S. state to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
  • Gays Organization

    The World Health Organization organizes the first World AIDS Day to raise awareness of the spreading pandemic.
  • Lawrence V. Texas

    In Lawrence v. Texas the U.S. Supreme Court rules that sodomy laws in the U.S. are unconstitutional.
  • Constitutional Right To Marry

    A federal judge in San Francisco decides that gays and lesbians have the constitutional right to marry and that Prop 8 is unconstitutional. Lawyers will challenge the finding.
  • NY

    New York State passes the Marriage Equity Act, becoming the largest state thus far to legalize gay marriage.
  • Legalizing Gay Marriage

    Legalizing Gay Marriage
    On Feb 13 Washington Was The 7th State To Legalize Gay Marriage.
  • 8th Gay Legalized State

    8th Gay Legalized State
    On March 1 Maryland Is The 8th Starte To Legazlize Gay Marriage.
  • Same Sex Marriage

    Same Sex Marriage
    On May 9 2012 Barack Obama Endorses Same Sex Marriage . He States , "It Is Important For Me To Go Ahead And Affirm That I Think Same-Sex Couples Should Be Able To Get Married."
  • May-June 1988

    The CDC mails a brochure, Understanding AIDS, to every household in the U.S. Approximately 107 million brochures are mailed.