The Society for Human Rights
Harry Hays founded first gay rights orginzation
Employment of homosexuals and other sexual perverts in government
Dwight Eisenhower bans homosexuals from federal work
The Daughters of Bilitis
Stonewall Riots
This was the first step in the LGBT rights movement. -
Harvey Milks election
Dont ask , Dont tell
This was the militaries persepective on gay relations and if you were gay and in the military you got a dishonarable discharge. -
The Defense of Marriage Act
This was the date it was legal to marry male/male or /female/female -
Ellen Degeneres comes out
This is the date talk show host comes out on national television about being lesbian. -
Matthew Shepards murder
Matthew was brutally beaten because he was gay. -
Dont ask , Dont tell Repeal
This was the date gays and lesbians were allowed to join the military. -
The It Gets Better Project
Marriage Equality passes in 3 states
It Gets Better Project
A website for gay,lesbian, or bisexual to help them if they are being bullied.