Disney demotivational 1

Heroes Project Timeline

By MAkhtar
  • Free-write Subway Story

    We learned about the "Subway Hero", Wesley, who risked his life to save a man having a seizure from a oncoming Subway train. We then answered some free-write questions such as who we would consider a hero. I learned today that the most common image of a hero is that of one who is willing to sacrifice their life for another.
  • Period: to

    Heroes Project

  • Why Courage Matters by John McCain

    Today, we heard about John McCain's beliefs on courage and heroism and the story of Roy Benevidez. I learned that people wonder if the term hero is used to lightly, and that it should be reserved only for those who have commited the bravest, most selfless act they could possibly do.
  • Interview: Kristi Quillen, Peace Corps Volunteer

    Today we watched an interview with a former CRHS teacher and current Peace Corps volunteer, Kristi Quillen. Today, I learned that anyone who gives up their personal comfort and formal life to help people could be considered a hero.
  • Heroes in Literature

    I learned that fictional characters such as Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird and Sydney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities are heroes rather than the authors, Harper Lee and Charles Dickens, respectively. This is because the characters themselves are the ones with the heroic traits and are the ones performing the acts of heroism. Just because the authors created the chracters doesn't necessarily mean that they themselves are heroes.
  • Hero's Journey Assignment ~ How to Interview Calendars

    I learned that heroes can have a wide variety of journeys they can take through life.
  • Library Day 1

    Today I searched the library for a bigraphy on my hero, The Tank Man. Though I had already doubted that I would find anything, I gave up after nothing was found, and chose to research my backup hero, Helen Keller, instead. Unfortunately, all the books on her were checked out. I realized that I would have to find the biography somewhere else.
  • "Change the World" Power Point ~ Day 1

    Today, we learned about the wide variety and types of heroes, and how since the definiton is so subjective, they could all be considered as heroes. From humanitarians such as Tuesday Muse to innovaters such Alexander Graham Bell.
  • "Change the World" Power Point ~ Day 2

    Today, we watched videos such as John Mayer's "Change the World" music video, Badly Drawn Boy, and the Liberty Mutual Insurance Ad.
    They all had different views of how people could help change the world for better, or in the case of Mayer's video, if they were better off waiting.
    I learned that though I do not agree with some of what they say, they all have reasonable answers as to how the world can change.
  • "Change the World" Power Point ~Day 3

    I learned that no matter how cynical or pessimistic of a world view people hold, they may still have hope for it to change. They may also hold someone such as authority figures responsible for the problems of the world.
  • 2nd Blog Post Due: Heroes in Literature

    While writing my second blog post, I noticed how my definition of a hero had changed since I was a child. I could now see that the term could be used much more broadly, rather than it being reserved for those who sacrifice their lives for other. I have come to believe that a hero is someone who can be looked up to as a role model, whose behavior people should emulate for the betterment of themselves, and society as a whole.