Heroes Journey

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    Callum and Echo and stuff. Meghan's past. Whatever.
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    Book 1

    Callum, Meghan, Echo
  • Lifeguard discovers Lady Justice and Meghan finds Callum

    Callum discovers rapists are being beat up by a woman or women. Investigates. Meghan sees Callum's rental ad and goes to talk to him and that unfolds. This gets both plots moving. Lifeguard starts finding these women. But one specific one catches his attention. They fight a couple times, but quickly stop and just meet up to spar and talk, although real fighting maybe does end up happening at some point for some reason.
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    Things were good enough between Meg and Callum. Redeemable
  • Meghan and Callum flirt

    They're clearly vibing, but Callum doesn't want anything to happen, but totally wants something to happen. She makes advances. He rejects. But not always. He fully rejects her. She acts distant. He resists that, which confuses her. She begs him, if you want me, then be with me. If I'm not good enough, teach me. If you don't want me to be hurt by bad guys, take me as yours. He accepts and they begin a relationship and boundaries sway between what the two of them want. Creating tension.
  • Echo Invasion

    Echo's country has nothing left for her and she needs her two best friends and a change. She moves. Callum visits her at her new house. The vibes are weird. They almost kiss. They do cheek kiss cos ofc. He accidentally falls asleep on her bed. He wakes up in the middle of the night and rushes home. This is the first straw in a stack of straws for Meghan. She chooses to trust him for now though and they're okay. Cheating unfolds from here. Meghan and Callum's relationship deteriorates.
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    Echo Affair

    Things were getting worse and worse for Callum and Meghan. Callum's morals were getting worse and worse. The Lifeguard persona was deteriorating
  • Callum's birthday with the girls

    Echo and Meghan compete for Callum's attention on his birthday.
  • Echo realises who Callum is. She leaves him.

    Echo discovers Callum's bestowment and the reality of God dawns on her and she ends her thing with Callum. He tells Meghan what's been going on. She is more hurt than mad. She feels betrayed. She feels worthless and unlovable.
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    Echo is gone. Things become falsely fine for Meg and Callum but she resents him more and more. He starts to improve but still is doing a lot wrong, motivated out of people-pleasing shame, and selfishness, and pride and stubborness.
  • Callum reveals his secret to Meg

    He tells her, out of a desire to come clean about everything. She doesn't react immediately. Or maybe she reacts negatively. But later she asks him "Are you a hero, or a cheater?" He answers, "The crime-fighting hero positive influence agent of God is who I want to be. The cheater is who I am." She, after some time, decides to push aside what he did, and they seem to be okay, but she knows they're not. And he fears they're not. He can't forgive himself, but he also cant take full accountability.
  • Battle and the fallout

    Tension between Lifeguard and the Women's Ward has been rising. Lady Justice rebels and joins Lifeguard to fight against them, just this once. She thinks they're usually a good force, but they've picked the wrong battle this time. A fight happens. Lifeguard wins. Afterwards, Lady Justice pulls off her mask. Lifeguard is shocked. She just wants to make out. He has questions. They have some fun but then one day she reveals her plan to leave. She wants to hurt him. It ends badly. He watches her go
  • Callum after some time totally alone reaches out

    He goes to an old friend from teenhood, in his costume. He was in love with her. The feelings are still kinda there. He talks to her. She asks why. He takes off his mask. "I'm sorry. I needed to talk to you but I was afraid. I didn't wanna bother you. And maybe I wanted to be someone you'd be impressed by..." This marks the end of this book but the beginning of the next story
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    Book 2

    Blast to the past
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    Book 3

    Reunion and New Unions. Callum, Meghan, Echo, Kora, Fed. Genius, taking down the Women’s Ward
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    Book 4

    Callum and Kora try to make something work. Echo watches her self crumble. Meghan explores religion. Echo and Meghan stick together, but what sort of relationship?