Herbert Hoover Timeline

  • Birthplace

    Herbert Clark Hoover was born in West Branch, IA
  • First Class of Stanford University

    First Class of Stanford University
    After barely passing school to barely passing the college entrance exam, Hoover was part of the first class of Stanford when it opened in 1891.
  • Graduates College

    Graduates College
    Hoover graduates college 4 years later with a degree in geology, planning to start a career as a mining engineer
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Hoover helped out trapped foreigners during the rebellion. This displayed his passion for humanitarian work.
  • WW1 Begins

    WW1 Begins
    When the war started Hoover help 120,000 American tourist in Europe as the war broke out. He also helped supply food to Belgium after Germany had taken over them.
  • U.S. Food Administration Food Act

    U.S. Food Administration Food Act
    As leader of the United States Food Administration, the food act was approved. Around this time, citizens were asked to donate anything that can help soldiers, also rationing food to have food being a little less of a worry. There were days such as "Meatless Mondays" and "Wheatless Wednesday."
  • Hoover Library

    Hoover Library
    Hoover founded the Hoover Library on war, revolution, and peace at Stanford University which is still open today.
  • Presidential Election of 1928

    Presidential Election of 1928
    Herbert Hoover ran against Al Smith with Hoover winning 40 states.
  • Crash of the Stock Market

    Crash of the Stock Market
    7 months after becoming president, the stock market crashed sending America into the Great Depression
  • Blame on the President

    Blame on the President
    American people started to blame Hoover for the chaos that America was in. Hoover had made some mistakes by signing the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act which made other countries not want to buy American goods.
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    Running against Franklin D. Roosevelt, this was the first presidential election during the Great Depression. Roosevelt won popular (57.3%) and electoral vote (472)
  • Life After Presidency

    Life After Presidency
    Hoover wrote books against Roosevelts ideas, such as "The Challenge to Liberty" (1934) and "Addresses Upon the American Road" (1936-61) He later returned to public service by serving on commissions for Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower.