By Aya.H
  • My born

    Her name is Aya and she was born in Spain , Granada , her parents were Morrocan so she had Arab origins but she was Spanish. She was born into a very big and kind family. She went to school and was very studious, she was the one who got the most grades in the class , she was very kind and happy , but in the school she suffered a lot of because Her classmates bullied her, however she was very strong and did not let herself be defeated by anyone.
  • her childhood

    her childhood
    His childhood was very beautiful and with many memories She had memories with very special people in her life like her parents, her brother or her cousins.
  • her adolescence

    At 15 years old Aya had a very intelligent mind, she had her own group of friends and she was really very happy but like everyone she had ups and downs.
  • the accident

    One day Aya was going to school when she crossed paths with a car and had an accident. Luckily, nothing serious happened to her, but she was hospitalized for more than a week. After that everything changed in his life. Aya went through a very bad time because of that accident but her parents and family were always by her side, supporting her and encouraging her to move forward.
  • her life as an adult

    her life as an adult
    She studied law and politics, managed to set up her own law firm in Madrid, Spain at the age of 25, becoming one of the youngest to achieve so much in such a short time and with so much will and courage to fulfill her dreams.She fulfilled another of her dreams, which was to go volunteering in many parts of the world and be able to help people in need. Aya gave many talks and conferences in many parts of the world to young people as she became known for her success.
  • her marriage

    At 30 years old she was still working but she met a man and after so many dates and getting to know each other they got married, they had a big and beautiful wedding, something unforgettable. After two years she had her first son who named him Alexander and after another two years she had another daughter who called her Yasmina, her life was complete and very happy.
  • her old age

    Aya became old, she turned 60 and due to her physical condition she retired and stopped working, and she dedicated herself to spending time with her husband and grandchildren and doing the hobbies she liked the most and living peacefully. When she turned 95 she died in her sleep. one night and we will all remember her as the good person