Lexington & Concord
This minute long battle took place while British troops marched toward Concord to take weapons that the patriots stockpiled incase of war. Once the battle ended 8 minutemen were on the ground dead and 10 badly wounded. This battle kickstarted the revolution that lead to American Independance. -
Breed's Hill / Bunker Hill
This conflict although a "win" for the brittish was still detrimental to them. In order to win they had to sacrifice double the number of there soldiers as the patriots did. This "tragic" victory proved to Britan that the patriots were a force to be reakoned with. This battle left the patriots even lowe on amunition but gave them hope of victory. -
Decleration of Independance
After reading Paine's Common Sense pamphlet many colonial leaders agreed that a Decleration should be written declaring the colonies' independence. Thomas Jefferson was chosen as the documents main author. He tried to express 3 ideas in the decleration. 1, That all people possess unalienable rights. 2, That King George ignored the colonists rights by taxing them withought representation. 3, That the colonies had the righ to break free from Britan. -
Battle for New York
General William Howe looking for revenge after his defeat in Boston leads 32,000 soldiers into New York from the sea. Howe's army was much better equiped than the patriots and attacked without any let up. They quickly forced the patriots to retreat into New Jersey. -
Battle of Trenton
Washington's Army was low on moral, plagued with smallpox, and most of there contracts were about to end. If Washingotn wanted to keep his position he had to act fast. The night of Christmas Washington led his troops through 9 miles of snow only wearing rags on there feet. His troops sneak attacked the German mercinarys called Hessians. Washington's force beat the hessians with ease and re-vamped the support for the war. -
Vally Forge
20 Miles north of Philadelphia washingtons 12,000 settle down. Everyone was suffering shortages of food and other supplies. At Vally Forge Baron von Steuben started training Washingotns troops. During Vally Forge 2,000 soldiers died but the army greatly improved with training and new weapons. -
Batte of Saratoga
After two quick british losses they wanted revenge. General John Burgoyne made the choice to push through New York state and cut off New England. This plan wold require perfect timeing and precise troop movement. Burgoyne's army was forced to move through thick forests that made it easy for patriots to make obsticals for them. After loosing to much time Burgoyne was forced to surrender. After seeing potential in the Patriots to overcome Britan France and Spain joined in on the revolution. -
Battle of Yorktown
The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle in the American revolution. After allieing with the French and Spanish hadn't ended the war as quickly as the patriots wanted they had to take action. Washington decided to try and trap general Charles Cornwallis with 6500 French and American troops. This battle ended up in a multiple week seige untill October 19 when facing certain defeat Cornwallis surrendered.