Jul 16, 1565
Born late 16 century
Henry Hudson was born 1565 in Europe -
Henry`s first voyage
Henry's first voage was to find a safer passage. Aisa to Eroupe -
Sailed to Zenylea
Henry sailed to Zenylea 1608 his crew included his son Robert Juet
and John -
Went to Amsterdam
Henry sailed to Amsterdam for a trip. like for a vacation -
Henry Discoverd Hudson river
Henry discouverd a river. Then it was named after him -
Henry became a comander 1609
Henry became a comander in his late 20s. He joined the Dutch east India company -
Discouverd Hudson bay
Henry thought he found a new ocean but noticed it was a bay -
reached Nova Scotia
Henry reached Nova Scotia in 1611 -
Henry Hudson deid
Henry Hudson died in the cold near Hudson bay. he discovered it also