Henry H. Dedrick

  • Henry Dedrick before War

    Henry Dedrick before War
    Webpage about FarmingBefore Henry was enlisted in to the war, he was a farmer in rockingham, Virginia. Henry was married to his wife Mary E. A. Dedrick. He seemed very content with his lifestyle.
  • Located in Virginia (enlisted)

    Located in Virginia (enlisted)
    Webpage on Enlistment Henry was enlisted in the 52nd Virginia Infantry at Waynesboro, Virginia. He is feeling a little nervous about entering the war. Henry doesn't look forward to leaving his wife and family.
  • Period: to

    July 15, 1861 - June 14, 1863

  • Highland County, Virginia

    Highland County, Virginia
    Henry was in good health conditions. There was a big rainstorm that had fallen on the 27th of September. There was plenty to eat. He is feeling well at the time but isn't happy about the unfortunate weather.
  • Highland County, Virginia (on the march)

    Highland County, Virginia (on the march)
    Marching in the Civil War Henry was marching to the top of Alleghany Mountain. His feet were probably getting weak and legs burning.
  • Pocahontas County, West Virginia

    Pocahontas County, West Virginia
    Webpage on Camplife Henry arrived at the top of Alleghany Mountainon October 2nd. He saw Union tents on the top of Cheat Mountain. Henry is curious about the tents on top of the hill. It was a long day.
  • Pocahontas County, West Virginia

    Pocahontas County, West Virginia
    The Job of a Soldier on Guard Snow was falling at the time. The soldiers had left Greenbrier River. Some will stay and some will go to Staunton. Henry was on guard. Henry is cold and is waiting for his orders to either go to Staunton or not.
  • Alleghany Mountain, Camp Tip Top, Pocahauntas County, West Virginia

    Alleghany Mountain, Camp Tip Top, Pocahauntas County, West Virginia
    Webpage on MumpsHenry has had the mumps for little over a week. He is expecting a fight. Captain Long came to their cabin and they were told to be ready.
  • Alleghany Camp Tip Top

    Alleghany Camp Tip Top
    Webpage on Different IllnessThere was a lot of illness at the time. There has been bad weather.
  • Alleghany Camp Tip Top

    Alleghany Camp Tip Top
    Webpage on Clapboards Henry is having to walk 5 miles morning and evening. They are making clapboards. There is good weather at the moment in time. He is feeling "like a man". Feeling a little tired but is happy about the good weather.
  • Camp Alleghany

    Camp Alleghany
    There was a stable to build for 150 horses. Some people are saying that they will get furloughs.
  • Camp Alleghany

    Camp Alleghany
    Webpage on Different DiseasesHenry wasn't well for the past 3 days. He has not been on guard or on picket for more than a month.
  • Camp Alleghany

    Camp Alleghany
    He is having to run out in the ditches sometimes when the pickets make a false alarm. Henry is jumpy and ready for whatever is to come.
  • Camp Shenandoah, Augusta Co. , Virginia

    Camp Shenandoah, Augusta Co. , Virginia
    Henry has left Alleghany. His wife has the mumps. They left Wednesday and came to Monterey and the next day they went to McDowell and stayed there one day. On Saturday he marched within a half a mile of Rodgerses whivh is located on Shendandoah Mountain. He is worried about his wife and her recovery. He is tired from marching.
  • Spotsylvania Co., Virginia. Camp near Hamiltons Crossing

    Spotsylvania Co., Virginia. Camp near Hamiltons Crossing
    Webpage on General JacksonHenry experienced one of the hardest fights since the war had begun. General Jackson had lost an arm and now had pneumonia. The loss is said to be twenty thousand killed, wounded, and missing. There isnt enough food to eat. Henry is feeling exausted and ready for the war to be over.
  • Camp near Port Republic, Virginia

    Camp near Port Republic, Virginia
    Some think they will travel to Staunton. The Yankees were between them and Harrisonburg. They've been following pretty close. The brigade had a fight last Sunday on the right side of Strassburg. 75 soldiers were killed and wounded in the 44th. 58th. VA and the 1st Maryland Regt. Henry is feeling eager and anxious about the Yankees.
  • Camp near James River

    Camp near James River
    Letters during the WarFirst time Henry wrote since seeing his father. He is happy about writing again.
  • Camp near Hamiltons Crossing

    Camp near Hamiltons Crossing
    Video on Life of a SoldierHe is not very well at the time. He is having pains in back, head, arms, and legs. There is now plenty to eat. Henry is in lots of pain and is not looking forward for what's to come.
  • Camp Near Culpeper Courthouse

    Camp Near Culpeper Courthouse
    Webpage on Cannons Henry is doing well at the time. They left the old camp last Thursday night at 12 oclock.There have been cannons sounding all day long. He is starting to get used to the sound of cannons. It's not the kind of sound he wants to hear.
  • Camp Near Winchester

    Camp Near Winchester
    It has been hard for Henry since leaving the old camp.When arriving at Winchester, they found Yankees there. They were fighting all day long and shelled them all day on Sunday. He is now getting the feel of the life of a soldier.
  • Place is unknown

    Place is unknown
    Joseph Grass was kiled at the fight at Gettysburg. Henry seems to be sad about that occurance. They have taken all the guards in from peoples houses.