The beginning of Henry Ford
Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863. Lived in Deborn Michigan and his family worked on their own farm their whole entire life. -
Ford was trying to become a mechanist is his life but mostly in his youthful years. He was still at home in Deborn Michigen. His parents started to focus on how to het Henry to learn all the parts and tools to use. -
Growing Up
Henry Ford was getting ready to start school and so he was not a normal kid who would just go to one school. Ford went to Public school and went to Germen School. AT age 16 was when he went to both schools. His family was a more independent family in his life. -
Henry was starting to take apart watches at school for people to fix them. This is when Henry was 16 years old. Then, because he was so smart when it came to engineering that there was no problem getting into a school for being a mechanist. -
Mixed Thoughts
Ford was trying to get into a mechine shop for his job. He wanted to be able to know all of the types of mechines parts and tools. -
Henry had got another idea to make a differnt type of gas line for all of the cars that were gas in his life. When he made it it became the best gasline that anyone had ever made. -
The Engineering
Ford was just beginning to get how to use all of the tools for building a car. When he started he wanted to make the car the way nobody else has ever made before. -
Henry Ford was starting now to take apart pocket watches whitch was the hardest watch to get apart back then. So Henry would take them home and put them back together. He was started to do it all for the kids at school. -
Henry was trying to make cars that would have gas enigens insted of eletrict. His family was very suprised cause Ford was not a very smart person in school. -
Ford was trying to make more than just one car in his life. He was makeing cars from all the letters of the aphabet. He made a Model-k car and they sold over five million of them. -
More Cars in Henrys Life
Henry had invented his first car that was a gas motor. It was called the Model-T. When he made it he said that if your rich or poor you deserve to get Henry Ford’s first car. -
The company
Ford got the idea to make his own company since he keeps on making all of his famous cars in his life. So he hired michanist to help him work on the cars and build them. So they all started the new dealer ship called Ford. -
Ford was trying to become a supervior for a big time dealer ship. He wanted to see some of their ideas for the cars and stuff. He had lest to go to Detroit for this job. -
The Boss
Ford had became the chief in the Ford industry in Detroit. It was all because of all the school work he had behind him at home and in Detroit. -
Henry had went back to Deborn Michigen to take care of his wife and his two kids he just had. His parents were getting older so he started to take care of the farm for his dad. -
The death of Henry Ford
Henry Ford had died on April 7, 1947 bcause of his old age of 83 years old. He had past the company down to his son Mr. Ford the second. When he decided to retire about a year and a half ago before he past away.