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Henry Ford

  • Henry Ford is born

    Henry Ford is born
    On July 30 1863 Henry Ford was born in Michigan. He was raised on the family farm in Dearborn Michigan. Henry had 4 siblings with him on the farm. He would go on to be very important in industrialization in cars. (http://hfha.org)
  • The Postcard

    The Postcard
    The First postcard was made on october 1st 1869. People didn't want to but there letters on a card but they got used to it. This was important because it would end up being were easy to advertise a product. (http://www.tpa-project.info)
  • Korea Becomes Independent Nation

    Korea Becomes Independent Nation
    On august 15, 1876 Japan imposed a treaty. The treaty said that 3 of their ports could be used by Japan. This also means that Korea is now going to be split into two. This is also mean the 38th parallel when north and south Korea are split. (www.britannica.com)
  • The Horseless Carriage

    The Horseless Carriage
    The first Horseless Carriage was invented on June 4 1896 by Henry Ford. The Carriage is the first time that the Carriage didnt need a horse to pull it. this was just the start for Ford, and it was only going to get better from there. (www.historicvehicle.org)
  • Patent created for carburetor

    Patent created for carburetor
    The first Carburetor was created on August 30th 1898. After that happened, Ford raised money to build a 3rd model car. After that Ford quit is job to focus on cars. Without him doing this we might not have cars now. (https://fuel-efficient-vehicles.org)
  • Swimmers Win Gold

    Swimmers Win Gold
    Frederick Lane won two gold medals on May 14 1900. Out of the 5 metals that Australia won he won two of them. Lane winning made the success of Australia swim start to rise. (www.swimming.org)
  • Second Boer War Ends

    Second Boer War Ends
    The Treaty of Vereeniging ended the war on May 31, 1902. they needed to end the war and both sides agreed on it. With that the treaty was created to end the war. this is important because the long lasting war ended. ( https://www.britannica.com)
  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford Motor Company
    Ford Motor Company was created on june 16 1903 in Detroit Michigan by Henry Ford. They made many new cars while he was there and even carried it on after he passed away. Ford is growing and growing each year and is still making cars up to today. This was important because Henry Ford Created the biggest company at the time. (https://www.bloomberg.com)
  • Ford Motel T

    Ford Motel T
    The Ford motel T was created on October 1 1908. when Ford was away on a trip. Then Ford destroyed the car because Henry didnt make it himself. He ended up remaking the car because of how cheap it was to make, only 290$. This was Ford's first mass production vehicle. (https://www.history.com)
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    the assembly line was created on october 7 1913. with this invention, cars were made much easier because they could get the parts in faster. This is Important because the time it took to make a car went from 12 hours to 2 hours. (https://www.pbs.org)
  • The Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union
    On November 7 1917 the Russian Government was over thrown. this led to the rise of the soviet union. This was important because it was a big place to have power in. (https://www.history.com)
  • Women's Rights Strike

    Women's Rights Strike
    The strike for women's rights happened on november 9 1918 in Switzerland. The woman strived for rights like voting, which to this day happen. Switzerland was the first country to allow woman to vote, and after that all the countries would start to allow it toi happen. (http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk)
  • The Ford Motel A

    The Ford Motel A
    The motel A was invented on October 20 1927. The car was an upgrade from the T model now going from 5 MPH to 25 MPH in 8.5 seconds. This was the first car to be made by Ford under his new company. (http://www.shayhistory.com)
  • Ford Gives Back

    Ford Gives Back
    Henry Ford had a lot of success and was now a very rich man. In 1936 he made the Ford Foundation that helped with education, grants, and research. This shows how Ford was a nice man and not selfish. By doing this it showed who Ford really was. (https://www.influencewatch.org)
  • Ford Gets Handed Down

    Ford Gets Handed Down
    Edsel Ford Died in May 26, 1943. After this Ford was handed the company. Years later Ford would hand down the company to his grandson to keep the family company alive. This shows that the Ford business will never die it will always be strong. (https://www.smh.com.au)
  • Henry Ford Dies

    Henry Ford Dies
    Henery Ford was a great man and he dies on April 7 1947 in the town Dearborn Michigan when he was 83 years old. Henry Did something no ones has ever done before, make cars. Without ford we might not ever of had cars. (https://www.britannica.com)