Henry Ford Digital Timeline

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863. In Greenfield Township, Michigan.
  • Thirteenth Birthday

    Thirteenth Birthday
    When Henry turned 13 he received a pocket watch and took it apart and put it back together, and impressed his neighbors. Which lead to him having to fix their timepieces.
  • First Apprenticeship

    First Apprenticeship
    At age 16 Henry had left home from working at the farm to go to a ship building firm in Detroit with an apprenticeship to learn about machines.
  • Married at 25

    Married at 25
    He dated and then married Clara Ala Bryant.
  • First Son

    First Son
    A year later he had a son that he named Edsel Ford.
  • First Job

    First Job
    He was hired as an engineer at the Detroit Edison Company.
  • First Vehicle

    First Vehicle
    He had built his first vehicle which was a gasoline powered buggy that had a two cylinder, four horsepower engine.
  • Promotion

    He was promoted to chief engineer in a year because of how he worked and how intelligent he was compared to everyone else.
  • The Ford Quadricycle

    The Ford Quadricycle
    He created his first model car called the Ford Quadricycle. It has a inline-2, F-head valves, four horsepower engine. It also has a two speed manual transmission.
  • Meeting with Thomas Edison

    Meeting with Thomas Edison
    He met with Thomas Edison and showed him the Ford Quadricycle and he was encouraged by Edison to make another better model.
  • Carburetor

    He created the first carburetor and patented it. the carburetor is connected to the throttle, which when pressed activates the carburetor mechanisms which meter the flow of air being pushed into the engine, making your car move.
  • Leaving Edison

    Leaving Edison
    Henry raised money to make a third car and left Edison's company to make his own.
  • Henry's Motor Company

    Henry's Motor Company
    He created The Ford Motor Company which became the Ford we know today.
  • The Assembly

    The Assembly
    Henry created the assembly line to make making cars quicker that is took paint to dry, and with cars being made in only two and a half hours compared to 12 which also reduced the cost.
  • Profit Sharing

    Profit Sharing
    In his business he offered profit sharing to his employees that worked for six months and later, but if they had bad habits like taking drugs, or gambling, they couldn't receive the profit sharing.
  • The Ford Foundation

    The Ford Foundation
    Ford and his family made the Ford Foundation to raise money to do research, development, and education for their company.
  • Grand Cross of the German Eagle

    Grand Cross of the German Eagle
    Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of The German Eagle, the most important award Nazis gave to foreigners, by Adolf Hitler.
  • Cerebral Hemorrhage

    Cerebral Hemorrhage
    He died from a cerebral Hemorrhage, which was said to have been caused by high blood pressure in the blood vessels in the brain.