Henry Ford By: Kyle Robinson

  • Henry Ford was born

    Born in Greenfield, Michigan.
    Source: Encyclopedia of World Biography
  • Henry marries Clara Bryant

    Source: "Henry Ford" by Jacqueline L. Harris
  • Ford finished first car

    Called the Ford Quadricycle
    Source: Encyclopedia of world biography.
  • Marconi sends first transatlantic radio message

  • Ford Motor Company Incorporated

    started with only $28,000
    Source: Our History. Ford.com
  • Wright Brothers Make 1st controlled flight in an airplane

  • Ford sells first Model T

    Source: Our History. Ford.com
  • Henry Ford introduces the conveyor belt.

    Source: "Birth of a Giant" by Richard Crabb
  • Period: to


    WWI occurred during Henry Ford's Lifetime.
  • Henry Ford and Son Inc. starts up

    Produced tractors.
    Source: "Henry Ford" by Richards, Kenneth G.
  • Ford sells last Model T

    Source: "Henry Ford" by Richards Kenneth G.
  • Ford starts selling first Model A

    Source: Our History. Ford.com
  • First Sound Movie created

  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    Henry Ford lived through The Great Depression
  • Period: to


    Henry Ford was alive when WWII happened, and actually built motors for battle ships, to help fight against Germany.
  • Henry Ford Dies

    Died in Dearborn, Michigan
    Source: Encyclopedia of World Biography