639px henry ford cph.3b34530

Henry Ford

By Hogie
  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1888, in Dearborn, Michigan. His parents were William Ford and Mary Litogot Ford.
  • Leaving The Farm

    Leaving The Farm
    Henry Ford left te family farm at age 16. He was an apprentice as a mechanic at a shipbuilding firm in Michigan, Detriot. Later he learned to operate and fix steam engines with great skill. He also studyed book keeping.
  • Ford Marries

    Ford Marries
    Ford married Clara Ala Bryant in 1888.
  • Edison Illuminating Company

    Edison Illuminating Company
    In 1821 Ford was hired at Edison Illuminating company as an engineer. In 1893 he became the chief engineer.
  • Ford Works on His Plans

    Ford Works on His Plans
    While working at Edison Illuminating Company Ford was working on drawing up plans for a horseless carriage. Then in 1896, he developed the Ford Quadricycle.
  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford Motor Company
    In 1903 Henry Ford made the Ford Motor Company. There were a total of twelve stockholders when the company first started.
  • The Model T

    The Model T
    Henry ford finally develops the model T in October 1908.
  • The assembly line

    The assembly line
    Ford had too many orders for the model T and he could not keep up. So he started thinking about mass production when he thought about the assembly line. It took the time from 12 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Model T's

    Model T's
    The Ford motor company had about 15 million Model T's and it was the largest manufacturer in the world.
  • Model A

    Model A
    The Ford motor company developed the model A on October 2, 1927, but it wasn't sold until December 2.
  • The Ford Foundation

    The Ford Foundation
    In 1936, Ford's family created the Ford Foundation. The ford foundation provided grants to education, development, and research.
  • Henry Ford's Death

    Henry Ford's Death
    Henry Ford died on April 7, 1947 at age 83. He died because of a cerebral hemorrhage. Henry Ford helped America's economy during the tough times and is considered one of America's leading businessmen.