Henry ford

Henry Ford

  • Henry Ford is Born

    Henry Ford is Born
    Henry Ford is born on a decent farm as the first child to the couple William and Mary Ford
  • Hired as engineer with Edison Illuminating Company

    Hired as engineer with Edison Illuminating Company
    Henry Ford gets a well-payed job at Edison Illuminating Company and begins the road of his passion of one day becoming the founder of the Ford Motor Company.
  • Completes Quadricycle

    Completes Quadricycle
    Completes the Quadricycle, and drives it through the streets of Detroit.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Henry Ford meets Thomas Edison and Edison encourages him to continue in the automobile industry
  • First Car Company

    First Car Company
    Ford opened his first car company, and in 1902 it was called Cadallac Motor Car Co.
  • Model A

    Model A
    Ford Company is established and the Model A is built
  • Third Car Company

    Third Car Company
    Henry Ford established his third automobile business, Ford Motor Company.
  • first factory

    first factory
    Production begins at Piquette Avenue in Detroit, Ford
    Motor Company's first purpose-built factory
  • Creation of the Model T

    Creation of the Model T
    Henry Ford created the Model T with a group of employees.
  • Automobile Assembly Line

    Automobile Assembly Line
    Builds his first automatic automobile assembly line in Highland Park.
  • Raise Workers Payment

    Raise Workers Payment
    Henry Ford doubled wages to $5 per day.
  • Henry Ford Hospital

    Henry Ford Hospital
    Henry Ford founds the hospital in Dearborn.
  • World War 1 Peace Plan

    World War 1 Peace Plan
    Henry Ford announces his plan to peacefully end World War 1. This is known as the "Peace Ship" expedition.
  • Auto-Production

    Ford Company controlls auto production for the year.
  • Production of Model T

    Production of Model T
    Ford Motor Company makes a huge production of Model T's during its years of sale and popularity. Because of this, the Ford Motor Company reaches a production of 15,000,000 cars and never produces them again.
  • Ford Foundation founded

    Ford Foundation founded
    The Ford Foundation is still running today aand has an income of 6.027 billion dollars
  • Henry's Death

    Henry's Death
    Henry Ford died this day in his hometown, Fairlane. He died of cerebral homorrage at age 83.