Herny Ford is born in Greenfield Township, Michigan. -
Ford leaves his farm to become an aprentice machinist in Detroit. -
Ford marries Clara Bryant. -
Edsel Bryant Ford is born. -
Ford finally finishes his first automobile, "The Quadricycle". -
Ford attracts many investors and forms the Detroit Automobile Company. His investors eventually run out of money because of his constant attempts to update and improve his models and can't support his financial needs. -
The Race
Ford enters a race at Grosse Point Track and wins. He became the talk of automotive circles and soon created another model called "The 999". -
Period: to
Between 1903 and the 1908 advent of the Model T, Ford’s company manufactures nine different cars: Models A, B, AC, C, F, K, N, R, and S. -
The Model T, or the "Tin Lizzie", was in such high demand the company had to put new orders on hiatus. -
Fall 1913
Ford's Highland Park factory begins operating the first moving automobile assembly line in the world. By the end of the year, Highland Park employed about 13,000 men. -
Wages for his workers
Ford Motor announces the $5/day wage for an eight-hour work day. The following day, 10,000 job seekers clamor for jobs at Highland Park. -
Spring 1915
Henry Ford begins secretly buying hundreds of acres of farmland along the River Rouge to build what would become known as the Rouge Plant. -
John and Horace Dodge, two of Ford's original investors, file a lawsuit against the directors of the Ford Motor Company charging that the company violated the interests of its stockholders. -
Ford's Resignation
Henry Ford suddenly resigns from the presidency of the Ford Motor Company. His 25-year-old son Edsel is elected to the role. -
The Threat
After a rival company threatens the Ford Motor Company, Ford has his agents buy all of the stocks so there was no rival. For the first time, the Ford family controls every last share in the Ford Motor Company. -
The Last Model T
The 15-millionth Model T roles off the assembly line. Ending 15years of the Model T and entering a new Model, the Model A. -
Henry Ford purchases land in Brazil to establish rubber plantations in what would become known as "Fordlandia." -
So much Money!
After six months and $250 million of upgrading the factory and its tools, the first Model A roles off the assembly line. During this time over 60,000 workers were laid off. -
River Rouge Factory
After 8 years of construction, the River Rouge factor begins its first full scale automoblie production. -
The effects of the Depression
After the Stock Market Crash, Ford raises his wages to help his workers, but it fails and he has to lay off more than half of his work force. -
Period: to
The Union
April 1941:
50,000 workers protest until Ford meets Union demands. Ford says he would rather shut down his factories than give in to the Unioin. June 1941:
Ford signs an agreement with Union Officals and gives them everything they want and then some. -
Ford's son Edsel has died and Ford is re-elected as president of Ford Motor Company. -
Nearing the End
Ford suffers a stroke and is kept out of the eye of the public -
Henry Ford II
Becomes president of Ford Motor Company and sells Fordlandia back to the Brazilian Governemnt for less than it was worth. -
Henry Ford dies at the age of 83.