
Hemingway's struggle

  • Hemingway's Birth

    Hemingway's Birth
    Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21st 1899
  • Period: to

    Hemingway's life

  • WWI

    The year Hemingway wanted to join the army but couldn't so he became a Red Cross ambulance driver in Italy. He was later hurt on the front and sent to a Italian hospital and awarded medals for bravery.
  • 1st love

    This was the year Hemingway met his first wife Hadley Richardson
  • 1st love lost

    The year Hemingway divorced Hadley For a women named Pauline Pfeiffer
  • Moving, again

    When Hemingway moved back to the states with his new wife Pauline. Him and her moved to the beautiful Key West where Hemingway felt he was finally home.
  • A father's goodbye

    A father's goodbye
    Ernest Hemingway's father killed him self due to depression. A thing that hangs around the family tree
  • Final Short Sories

    Final Short Sories
    Hemingway wrote his last batch of stories called Winter Take Nothing
  • 3rd wife?!

    3rd wife?!
    Hemingway divorced and then married his 3rd wifeMartha Gellhorn
  • Womenizer

    Hemingway divorced Martha and married his last wife Mary Welsh
  • A book we all know

    A book we all know
    Old Man and the Sea was published. This book was eventually given the Pulitzer Prize
  • He deserves this

    He deserves this
    Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Goodbye to a great writer

    Goodbye to a great writer
    The great writer comitted suicide with a shotgun in his housse in Ketchum, Idaho