Helen e longino

Helen Longino July 13, 1944- Present

  • Received her Bachelors of Arts

    In 1966 Helen received her BA from Barnard college.
  • Received her Masters of Arts

    Helen received her masters degree from Sussex University.
  • Earned her PHD

    Helen earned her PhD from John Hopkins University.
  • Science as Social Knowledge

    Science as Social Knowledge
    Science as Social Knowledge was Longino's first book. In this book she discusses the relationship between culture and knowledge. She also talks about the impact that human beliefs have on scientific knowledge.
  • The Fate of Knowledge

    The Fate of Knowledge
    This is Helen's second book and it was published in 2002. In this publication she takes on the disagreement between social scientists and philosophers.
  • Robert K. Merton Professional Award

    Robert K. Merton Professional Award
    In 2002 "The Fate of Knowledge" received the Robert K. Merton Professional Award for best book from the Section for Science, Knowledge, and Technology of the American Sociological Association.
  • Studying Human Behavior: How Scientists Investigate Aggression and Sexuality

    Studying Human Behavior: How Scientists Investigate Aggression and Sexuality
    This is Helen's third book and it was published in 2013. In this book she explores the statement "Nurture vs. Nature". She also gives five different ways to approach studying behaviors specifically dealing with aggression and sexuality. The five approaches she names are quantitative behavioral genetics, molecular behavior genetics, developmental psychology, neurophysiology and anatomy, and social/environmental methods.