
Heavens Gate Timeline

By gthoma6
  • The Founding

    The Founding
    The cult was founded by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1927–1985). The group would refer to them as Do and Ti. The group evolved to have a belief that their physical bodies were expendable and they could be traded for an alien life form. This would help them out achieve immortality in a "evolutionary level above human."
  • Leader Marshall Applewhite (do) is recruited

    After a close to death experience in 1972 Marshall was recruited to the cult by a nurse Bonnie Lu Nettles (Ti).
  • The First Members

    Do and Ti managed to convince 20 people from Oregon to leave their lives, family, and possessions and move to eastern Colorado. They were promised that an alien aircraft would take them to "the Kingdom of Heaven." Convincing them there human bodies were simply containers that could be abandoned for a higher form.
  • Bonnie Lu Nettles (Ti) Dies

    Bonnie Lu Nettles (Ti) Dies
    Ti passes away
  • Period: to

    Rest Period

    The group goes silent for a while after the death of Ti
  • The Comeback

    New members are recruited and Do becomes determined to travel to the ethereal plain
  • Period: to

    The New Belief

    While the idea was always leaving the Earth for a new extraterrestrial body. Do would start to preach there current physical bodies had to be 'clean' Do advocate for abstinence, and many of the male members would follow in suit by becoming castrated. The rules became stricter, the members never left their residence and restrictions on diets and such became harsher.
  • Hale-Bopp Comet

    Hale-Bopp Comet
    Learning of this comet (a largely talked about astronomical event at the time) the group becomes convinced the spacecraft is on its way to Earth. Hidden behind the comet.
  • The Final Resting Place

    Do rents a large home in Rancho Santa Fe, telling the owner his group were Christian-based Angels. This was decided to be the final resting place of the groups physical bodies.
  • Mass Suicide (And the Groups End)

    Mass Suicide (And the Groups End)
    The night of Hale-Bopp's comet Do and 38 other followers (21 women and 18 men) drank a mixture of phenobarbital and vodka. They laid down to die. They hoped to leave their "bodily containers" and enter the spacecraft to get through Heaven's Gate. This higher plane of existence Do talked about back in 1990. Slightly before the suicide was committed, the group would record individual videos talking about how excited they were to complete the act, excited to reach Heavens Gate.