Heavens Gaate

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    Birth of Marshall Applewhite

    The birth of Marshall Applewhite, the founder and creator of Heavens Gate, In Spur Texas. He is the son of a Presbyterian minister.
  • Marshall Applewhite stops working as a Choral Director in the University of Alabama

    He worked as a Choral Director as he had attended several universities and even served in the army before this
  • Music Teacher

    He was hired to be a music teacher at the University of St. Thomas, a Roman Catholic college in Houston, Texas. Also involved as a singer in the Houston Grand Opera.
  • Graduated

    Applewhite received a master's degree in music from University of Colorado in Boulder.
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    Scandal at the college he worked at

    Dismissed by Thomas college over scandal involving a student relationship.
  • Affairs

    Even though he was previously married and had two children, he continues to struggle with his sexual identity, having homosexual affairs.
  • Bonnie Lu Nettles

    His father died and he meets Bonnie Lu Nettles, a nurse and astrologer involved in Theosophy and reincarnation.
  • New realtionship

    She leaves her husband and four children to be with Applewhite. They open a New Age bookstore in Houston. It fails. they spend six weeks "soul-searching" in the Texas Hill country. Open a restaurant in New Mexico, called Sunshine Company. It fails; they begin to travel, supporting themselves with odd jobs. Car breaks down in front of yoga center in Portland. While camping on the Rogue River, near Gold Beach, Ore they become convinced they are the "Two Witnesses" mentioned in book of Revelation.
  • Arrested

    He got arrested for stealing a rental car and using stolen credit cards. Charges against Nettles are dropped and she returns to Houston. Applewhite spends six months in jail. While in jail, he writes Statement I, their first recruiting piece. They predict their assassination and resurrection. Promise to take followers away in a spaceship after their resurrection.