Turns 20
Healthy eating: healthy diet which includes lots of fruits and vegetables to boost intake of viramins and minerals
physical activity: Go on weight bearing and aerobic adventures like hiking to increase your bone mass
preventative healthcare: Establish a relationship with your primary healthcare provider, go to the dentist every 6-12 months, get frequent comprehensive eye exams. -
Turning 30
Healthy eating: Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, non fat dairy products. Less intake of processed foods and fast food.
physical activity: 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week, aerobic weight bearing exercises like jogging, dancing, strength lifting.
preventative healthcare: Do not smoke or use tobacco. Wear sunscrean. Avoid illegal drugs and substances, drinking only in moderation, reduce stress, moniter BMI, screening tests and diagnostic tests. -
Turning 40
Healthy eating: Lots of fruits and vegetables, start to consume more fiber and whole grains to aid in digestion
physical activity: get 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise most days of the week.
preventative healthcare: Go talk to your health care provider if you feel at all depressed or notice any abormal feelings. Keep an eye on you, blood pressure, blood glucose, BMI, and osteoporosis -
Turning 50
Healthy eating: Cut back on sodium, limit foods that are high in unhealthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
physical activity:30-60 minutes of exercise a day including aerobic exercise for heart health. Daily biking is a good way to get your heart rate up.
preventative healthcare: Reduce stress and don't smoke or drink too much. look out for abnormal blood sugar, anxiety, cancer, changes in vision, digestive issues, hearing loss -
Turinign 60
Healthy eating:4-6 servings of vegetables dailt, fiber rich grains, non or low fat dairy products, lean meats.
physical activity: daily walking and mild strengthening exercises.
preventative healthcare: See health care provider regularly, check for blood pressure, bone density, mammograms, colonoscopy, rectal exams