The Malinski Timeline

  • I was born!

    I was born!
    11:57 PM, 8lbs & 2oz, 19.5" long.
  • Hurricane Katrina overwhelms New Orleans

    Hurricane Katrina overwhelms New Orleans
  • My parents got divorced

    My parents got divorced
    My parents were fighting a lot and ultimately decided to divorce when I was 8 months old
  • Mom got remarried

    Mom got remarried
    Mom fell in love with my step-dad and got married! I was the flower girl.
  • The first iPhone was introduced

    The first iPhone was introduced
  • My younger sister, Kiana, was born

    My younger sister, Kiana, was born
  • Started learning how to read

    Started learning how to read
    I've heard conflicting information but I've been told by some of my family members that I was reading books by the time I was four.
  • The first African American president was elected

    The first African American president was elected
  • Started preschool

    Started preschool
  • My youngest sister, Zoe, was born

    My youngest sister, Zoe, was born
  • Adopted our dog, Zena

    Adopted our dog, Zena
    This was our first family dog! She was a German Shepherd Husky mix that we adopted from a litter of puppies that my aunt had.
  • My dad got his first house.

    My dad got his first house.
    And he finally adopted the dog I had been begging for now that she had a yard to run around in. She is a little Jack Russell Terrier mix named Ruby.
  • Admitted into the PEAKS program at EK

    Admitted into the PEAKS program at EK
    I applied to be a part of the PEAKS program and took a cognitive test and they admitted me! I spent the next six years in the program until I graduated from it.
  • Kiana had an aneurism

    Kiana had an aneurism
    When I was in the fifth grade my younger sister suffered from an aneurism while on a school trip.
  • Placed fourth in the world finals for Odyssey of the Mind

    Placed fourth in the world finals for Odyssey of the Mind
  • Broke my arm

    Broke my arm
    I forgot that my bike had front and back brakes so I pulled the front ones to slow down and flipped over the front of my bike.
  • Moved into Byron Center!

    Moved into Byron Center!
    My mom and step-dad built a house in Byron and we adopted our first family dog since Zena, who we named Titan.
  • Went to Hawaii

    Went to Hawaii
    We went on a family trip to Maui the last week of my sixth grade year.
  • Adopted Kona!

    Adopted Kona!
    I found Kona at the pet store one day and sent a picture to my step-dad and he fell in love. We decided Titan needed a little sister.
  • First year in Byron's school district

    First year in Byron's school district
    This was my first year out of the Kentwood public school system and I made a ton of new friends!
  • Was diagnosed with narcolepsy

    Was diagnosed with narcolepsy
    After noticing sleep problems and knowing that my mom also has narcolepsy, they decided to get me into a sleep study and I was finally diagnosed
  • Got my first job!

    Got my first job!
    I applied to thirteen jobs right after my sixteenth birthday and I just accepted the first place that hired me, which happened to be Red Lobster
  • Mom and step-dad got divorced

    Mom and step-dad got divorced
    Mom moved out of his house and we got a new house all on our own.
  • Got my license

    Got my license
    After failing my drivers test the first time, I took the test again and I passed and got my license.
  • Got my first car

    Got my first car
    After saving up for months, I bought my first car. It is a Subaru Forester that I named Kehlani.