3000 BCE
primitive times
people believed that illness was created by evil spirits doctors would do ceremonies to drive out the evil spirits. -
3000 BCE
Ancient egyptians
They had health records they would call on the gods to heal illness or they would use magic herbs to heal illness. -
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
They would check the pulse to check the condition of the body to heal illness they would use needle acupuncture to heal illness. -
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
Early hospitals were developed they created aqueducts and public health sanitation systems. -
260 BCE
Ancient times
People would use herbs and magic to heal illness this wasn't very successful. -
200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
They developed a method to keep up with the human body they also found a way to record signs and symptoms of illness. -
Dark/middle ages
Medicine was prohibited, and people would prey to get rid of illness. -
Middle ages
The bubonic plague broke out and they would use bloodletting to try to get rid of the disease. -
16th and 17th century
The causes of disease were still not known and people would still die. A French surgeon named Ambroise Pare was known as the father of surgery. -
This was the rebirth of science/medicine they had a better understanding of biology and illness. -
18th century
The first thermometer and the element oxygen were discovered. -
19th century
A school to learn surgery was made in London in 1800 the first vaccination was made. -
Yellow fever was proven to be carried by mosquitoes and the blood type ABO was discovered. -
20th century carried on
The first conjoined twins were separated in 1953 and the first successful kidney transplant was performed. -
21st century
Adult stem cells were used to treat early disease. -
Health care
Healthcare plans were established for everyone. -
21st century
Healthcare advances were unlimited at this point. -
21st century
Advanced cell tech announced that a human embryo was cloned. -
21st century
The primary teeth could be used as a stem cell. -
21st century
A clinic removed a kidney through the navel.