Period: to
Health Review
1. Physical Health
Dora doesn't eat enough nutritious meals or drink enough water, therefore, her body isn't functioning properly. She gets bad cramps while engaging in physical activity. To fix this, her cousin Deigo told her that she needs to start eating healthier or worse things can happen. She didn't want to get worse so she started to drink water and eat healthier right away! No more pops and chips everyday. Fruit and water from now on, treating herself every once in awhile. -
2. Health Goal
Dora made a health goal to exercise more. She will achieve it by everyday after school going for a walk or a run. This will keep her physically in shape and healthy. -
3. Stressful Event
Friends are spreading rumors about Dora. She started to get very worried that all of her friends would stop talking to her. Everytime she heard a new rumor, her heart rate would increse and her blood pressure would rise. To cope with this, she talked to someone about it. She talked to a counslor and her parents. They really helped her. -
4. Best Friend is Drinking
Dora's best friends started drinking on the weekend. She was very concerned about her friends. She told them negative effects that could effect their life. Things being, that you can get addicted, you have no self control, you could get intoruble with the police, and that you can get brain damage. -
5. Loss in the Family
Dora's grandmother just passed away. In the first stage of her grief, she was in denial. She didn't want to believe that her grandmother actaully passed away. As she went through all of the other stages, it was the basic responces that anyone would have. But during the last stage, hope, she began to remember her grandmother. And the death became less hurtful. She remembered all the fun times they had together. -
6. Family History
Dora's parents sat her down one night and talked to her about their family history. They told her that she has diabeetes. Her father has it, and her grandmother has it. Dora then realized she needs to eat heathier foods. Once she eats healthier foods, she is at a lower risk of becoming obese. She will be at a lower risk of getting high blood sugar. Also that she will be at a lower risk of having heart disease and kidney disease. -
7. Family Relative Starts Smoking Again
Dora's uncle use to be a smoker, but then he quit. Yet quitting didn't last long. He started again. Dora is worried that in the long run, if her uncle keeps smoking he will get lung cancer and his immune system will weaken. But also that he will get chronic bronchitis. -
8. Drinking and Driving
Dora's best friend Boots is considering driving home after drinking at a party. Dora takes the keys away and tells Boots that if he really considers drinking and driving, That he should think again because she isn't going to let it happen. She told Boots that driving after drinking is bad because it reduces the ability to judge distances and speeds. That is bad becuase he could crash into someone and not even realize. But also that you have slower reflexes. -
9. Home Sick
Dora woke up one morning and wasn't feeling well. Her mom said she was sick. She had the flu. To treat it, her mom said that she just needs plently of rest and lots of water. But also to eat healthy foods. And next year to prevent getting sick, always washing your hands, get the flu shot and stay away from people who are sick. -
10. Puberty
Dora finally hits puberty at 13. The first things that Dora experiences during puberty is increasing memory and cognition. -
11. Pledge
On September 15th, Dora made a pledge to herself, her family, and God to stay Abstinece until marriage. Her parents told her that to help stay abstinent, set personal limits on phyical affention. Also to aviod situations where you might feel pressured to engage in sexual activity. And last but not least, to practice refusal skills. Those tips will help her with her pledge.