My Uncle
So my Uncle has always been a bigger guy but not like on my 600 pound life big. So him and his wife decided they didn't like their body health anymore. So they decided to start going on walks and changing the food that they have at their house. -
My Uncle and Aunt soon started to lose weight but they didn't stop and call it a year. They kept going they end up buying a food measure to see their servings and they would try to drink less alcohol to keep their bodies as clean as possible.(Page 7) -
As my Uncle and Aunt came accustomed to this regime the healthy lifestyle seem to stick and their still going strong at it. It was the small changes in what food they ate and just drinking water that they felt a big difference. So when they started working out it was easier to not stuff their body with unhealthy foods. -
It's important to add guidelines and strategies for yourself when trying to achieve a personal goal. (Page 7) -
Why Guidelines are Important
Guidelines are very good to follow when trying to achieve a personal goal because if you pick the right rules to follow you may achieve your goal faster.(Page 8)