First Day of School
Made friends
Starts high school
Friend problems at school
Has no friends at school anymore
Fake rumours spread around the school about you
Gets low self esteem from being bullied
Gets a boyfriend
Gets a job at Mc Donalds
Break up with boyfriend
Gets a boyfriend
Breaks up with boyfriend
Gets more depressed from breakup
Moves out
Gets a job as an accountant
Gets a boyfriend
Boyfriend proposes
Find a new job at a bigger company
Gets Married
Gets a house with husband
Has first child
Has second child
First child starts school
Goes for a doctor check up
Finds out she has cancer
Shock and depression from doctor results
Goes to doctor again for MRI
Goes for minor operation to remove cancer
Second child starts school
First child starts high school
Second child starts high school
First child moves out
Second child moves out
Moves into nursing home
Husband dies
Diagnosed with depression from death of husband
Depression and lonlieness