Hazel Johsnon Brown Was Born
On this date Hazel Johnson Brown was born and she has now made an inperation for the generation. -
When Hazel Went to College
Then again the date is wrong because we didnt find it but she attended a nurse school -
Hazel Joined The Army
FYI-The month and say are not right. We couldnt find it :(. -
Hazel Johsnon Brown Became a General
In 1979 Hazel Johsnon Brown was promoted as a Brigadier General and now is known to be the first woman general. -
When Hazel Retired From The Army
The day and month are not right we couldnt find it. -
Hazel Johnson Brown Death
In 2011 a tradedy happened Hazel has passed away on a root to the hospital because of her Alzhiemers disease.