Hawaiian Overthrow

  • Election of King Kalakaua

    Election of King Kalakaua
    King Kalakaua was elected instead of Queen Emma.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    The king and the U.S had an agreement that gave free access to the U.S market for Hawaií to sell sugar. In return, the U.S had access to use Pearl Harbor.
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    The Bayonet Constitution is basically a constitution that takes all the King's power away and empowers Americans without legal Hawaiian citizenship
  • King Kalakau Died

    King Kalakau Died
    King Kalakua died in San Francisco due to a disease called Bright's Disease
  • Queen Liliuokalani Takes The Throne

    Queen Liliuokalani Takes The Throne
    Kalakauaś sister, princess Lydia Kamaka´eha becomes Queen Liliuokalani because King Kalakaua died.
  • Committee of Safety

    Committee of Safety
    A group of european foreigners gathered in a group and found other people who wanted to annex Hawaii and they, as a group, instituted pending annexation to the U.S.
  • Formation of the Republic of Hawaii

    Formation of the Republic of Hawaii
    Leaders of the Provisional Government formed themselves into the Republic of Hawaii. The constitution of the Republic of Hawaii required loyal allegiance to the republic, Native Hawaiians refused but foreigners who agreed with the overthrow were allowed to vote
  • Annexation Treaty

     Annexation Treaty
    After McKinley´s election, the annexation treaty was brought back to the surface and was agreed upon by the U.S government and the Republic of Hawaii.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    McKinley wanted Hawaii to be a part of the United States so thatś what he did. Sanford Dole was the first place that was named territory of Hawaii.