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King Kamehameha I
King Kamehameha was a great warrior who achieved the conquest of all of Hawaii using Western methods such as guns. -
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Queen Ka' ahumanu
Queen Ka'ahumanu was the favored wife of King Kamehameha. She became regent after Kamehameha's death, sharing power with two of their sons. She changed Hawaiian history by overturning he kapu, or prohibition, system. -
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King Kamehameha II
Also known as Liholiho, Kamehameha II shared powered with Queen Ka'ahumanu until he and his wife, Queen Kamamalu left to see London, where they died of measles. -
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Queen Kamamalu
Wife and half-sister of Liholiho, Kamamalu traveled abroad with her husband and died with him in London from the measles. -
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King Kamehameha III
Kauikeaouli, or Kamehameha III, reigned longer than any other Hawaiian monarch (30 years). During his reign, Hawai'i's government had three forms; a conrtolled regency, an autocracy, and a constitutional monarchy. A system of land division called Mahele was also brought about during his reign. -
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Queen Kalama
Consort of Kamehameha III, Queen Kalama was known as being very loved by her people. -
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Princess Ruth
High Chiefess Ruth Keanolani made several decision during her reign to cause some to misjudge her intelligence. Princess Ruth learned how to speak English, but refused to speak it. Ruth also refused to convert to Christianity. Even though she did not gain the throne, she inherited a large portion of the Kamehameha lands, which she in turn left to her cousin. -
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King Kamehameha V
Lot Kamehameha became king after his borther's demise in 1863. During his reign he adopted a new, less liberal constitution and also brought up the imposing threat of annexation. He proposed to Queen Emma, but after she denied him he died unmarried, without naming a successor, -
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Queen Kapi'olani
Consort of Kalakaua, Queen Kapi'olani stayed home while the king went on a world tour, but in turn got her share of the spotlight as a personal representative at the Queen's Jubilee in 1887. The Queen found herself concerned about the security of the Hawaiian race, and founded a maternity home, which now exists as Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children. -
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King Kamehameha IV
King Kamehameha IV (Alexander Liholiho) helped to establish the Angelican Church in Hawai'i and also founded the Queen's Hospital. He passed away 15 months after his son's death, at age 29. -
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Queen Emma
Consort of Alexander Liholiho (Kamehameha IV), she helped to foudn The Queen's Hospital. She also assisted in the establishment of the Angelican Church in Hawai'i. She had one son, who died at the age of four. Queen Emma later made an unsuccessful bid for the throne after Kamehameha IS;s death. -
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King Kalakaua
David Kalakaua became king after his second bid for the throne. He was elected after King Lunalilo died without naming a successor. Because of his controversial ways, he was forced to accept a new constitution which greatly limited his powers. -
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Queen Lili'uokalani
Queen Lili'uokalani grew up as Lili'u Kamaka'eha and then as Lydia Paki. As a young girl, she showed a particular interest in music, which continued throughout her life as her one solace and joy. Lili'u was not given the name Lili'uokalani until she was named heir apparent, and then referred to it as being "no name at all". Lili'uokalani was deposed in 1893, but appeared in public at the palace several times after that. A sculpture of her was erected in 1982, 65 years after her death. -
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Princess Likelike
Miriam Likelike Cleghorn, or Princess Likelike, was mother of Princess Ka'iulani and wife of Archibald Scott Cleghorn. She died of mysterious circumstances at age 37, but not before making a deathbed prediction that would turn out to be true.