Hawaiian history

By EricGuo
  • Captain cook arrived at Waimea, Kaua'i

  • Leader King Kamehameha I united Hawaii to a single kingdom

    It was an incredible feat and Hawaii wouldn't be controlled by the other countries
  • America recognizes Hawaii's independence

    The recognition from the U.S. further confirmed the independence of Hawaii.
  • First Constitution enacted by Kauikeauoli, Kamehameha III

    It successfully controlled the native Hawaiian people.
  • "Bayonet Constitution" forced on King Kalakaua by all white Hawaiian League, stripping the power of the sovereign and Kanaka Maoli of their land rights

    It made Hawaii more powerful, but U.S. was also easy to occupy Hawaii.
  • Queen Lili`uokalani deposed by conspiracy of American businessmen with support of United States Marines and diplomatic representative "Provisional Government" established

    The American government was gradually occupying Hawaii.
  • President McKinley signs illegal resolution to annex Hawaii

    Hawaii is no longer an independent country.
  • The Imperial Japanese Navy carried out a sneak attack the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor

    This caused serious problems in Hawaii, and it made a bad relationship between Japan ana America.
  • United States claims Hawaii as a state of the union after illegal "plebiscite" vote is held. It became 50th U.S. State.

    Hawaii became a state of America, it is good for both America and Hawaii, because they can get resources from each other.
  • United States apologizes for the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii

    It made a better relationship between Hawaii and America.