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King Kamehmeha I
King Kamehmeha was a unifier of the islands. He accomplished this with land, authority,weapons, ships, and a counsel. This made him known as great warrior. -
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Queen Ka'ahumanu
Queen Ka'ahumanu was the most favored out of Kamehameha's 20 wives. Once her husband died, she shared the power with Kamehameha II and III. She helped Kamehameha change the kapu system, changing Hawaiian history. -
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King Kamehameha II
Overturned the kapu system with the help of his mom. Curious and wanting to see the world took his wife Kamamalu to London in 1820, where they both died of measles. -
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Queen Kamamalu
King's hald sister who died of the measles in London. -
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Also known as King Kamehameha III. Reigned the longest of any monarch, which was 30 years. 3 forms of government were formed, the controlled regency, the autocracy of an out- of-control unpredictable, and a constitutional monarchy. The Great Mahele also came about during his reign. -
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Queen Kalama
Said to be loved by the people, based of of Kamehameha III sayings. -
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Princess Ruth
Also known as High Chiefess Ruth Keanolani Kanahoahoa Ke'elikolani. Refused to learn christianity and english, although she was very intelligent without them. Missed out of getting the thrown, many inheritance. Many losses in family life. -
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Kamehameha V
He is also known as Lot Kamehameha. He took the thrown in 1863, created a new consitution, and worried of annexation. He later proposed to Emma, who refused his proposal. Shortly after, he passed away with no wife or kids to pass the thrown to. -
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Kamehameha IV
Alexander Liholiho is married to Queen Emma. He helped his wife find the Queen's Hospital due to being worried about his subjects. He had a son Albert Edward Kauikeaouli who died at the age of 4. 15 months after his sons death Kamehameha IV passed away at age 29. -
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Queen Kapi'olani
Married to King Kalakaua, but didn't travel with him on his world tour. But, went to London to be his personal representative at Queen Victoria's Jubilee. The queen founded a maturity home to ppreserve race. -
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King Kalakaua
David Kalakaua tried twice to become king, was sucessful the second trial. He was the king after Lunalilo when there was no one to take over. Forced to agree to a new constitution limiting the power of the King. -
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Queen Emma
Queen Emma helped establish the Queen Hospital and the Angelican Church in Hawaii. After her husbands death she failed st getting the thrown. Since their son died at 4 and didn't have any other kids the thrown was given away. -
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Queen Lil'uokalani
She grew up with the names Lili'u Kamaka'eha and Lydia Paki. Her whole life she had an intrest in music and it brought her joy. When given her last name she reffered to it as "no name at all." She was out of the thrown in 1893, but made many public appearences to the kingdom. 65 years after her death a sculpture was created of her. -
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Princess Likelike
Her full name is Miriam Likelike Cleghorn who is the mother of Princess Ka'iulani and wife of Archibaid Scott Cleghorn. At age 37 she died for an unkown reason, but had a deathbed prepared.