Hawaiian flag

Hystory of the Hawaiian Monarchy

  • Hawaii population

    500,000 people population
  • Period: to


    Kamehameha is a great high chief that had united all the islands. Made a bunch of friends with some english forengers. Plus he won all of his battles and the first to turn the naha stone.
  • Overturned Naha Stone

    Overturned Naha Stone
    legend says whoever can turn over the naha stone will unite the islands and at the time 1775 kamehameha turned the naha stone
  • Captian Cook

    Captian Cook
    King kamehameha thought captin cook was the god lono.The god lonos symbol was a large ship with a rectangle white flag.
  • Kalani’ōpu’u Death

    Kalani’ōpu’u died from the squatting sickness and they couldn't save him
  • Battle of moku’ōhai

    Battle of moku’ōhai
    The Battle of moku’ōhai is a battle that was fought in ke'ei,kona during the battle kiwala'ō was killed.
  • Sandel Wood Trade

    Sandel Wood Trade
    chinese people who come and trade stuff and to get sandalwood from the hawaiian. So the sandalwood became a valuable thing and then the sandalwood will start to have littler population. Luckyly kamehameha had put a kapu on sandalwood that you can't cut the lil trees.
  • puʻukoholā heiau

    puʻukoholā heiau
    This historical land mark was built because a kahuna told kamehameha to build it in order to conquer all the islands but he didn't do it untill he found out Keoua was plundering his birth place so kamehameha killed him
  • Battle of Nuʻuanu

    Battle of Nuʻuanu
    The Battle of Nuʻuanu is about kamehameha had his army taking over oahu by forcing the enemies of the cliff (in the picture)
  • King K united the islands

    King K united the islands
    He got to rule over all the islands if he let kaumali rule kauai until he dies
  • Russian fort settled

    Russian fort settled
    Russina fort had settled
  • Period: to

    Reign of liholiho

    King kamehameha the second
    Ruler of hawaii till death
  • Period: to

    Reign of Ka'ahumanu

    Kuhina nui of hawaii
  • King K band the kapu system

  • End of Kapu

    End of Kapu
    It all started with the foreigners coming.women also thought why can i eat food with men on their ship but did not get punished.Then King Kamehameha had died and his son liholiho had become king.Kamehameha's favorite wife ka'ahumanu had then convinced liholiho that kamehameha wanted her to be primeminister and share the power.A lot of women had question is the gods real so they decided to break the kapu then liholiho question the samething so at the dinner he ate with the women.Than led to war
  • Arrival of first Misionaries From Boston

    Arrival of first Misionaries From Boston
    It's the first people that has a mission to do something. Something like make churches, houses, and farms unlike the traders
  • Death of kauai's head chief

    Death of kauai's head chief
    This event is important because kaumalii was the high cheif of kauai. Plus he had surrenederd to kamehameha and still comtinued to govern kauai.
  • Hawaii population

    population 125,000
  • Period: to

    Whaling in Hawaii

    This is when whaling had started and became more famous and became a common job and ended quickly when they found oil in the ground
  • First Sugar Plantation

    First Sugar Plantation
    First successful plantaion made by tree englanders Peter Brinsmade, William Ladd, and Willian Hooper. They had goten permission from kamehameha the third the son of liholiho
  • The Great Mahele

    The Great Mahele
    The great mahele is about Kamehameha the third laws passed the divided lands and gave clear ownership of the land.
    Mahele Means division
  • Hawaii population

    population 70,000
  • Priencess bernice pauahi

    Priencess bernice pauahi
    She made school one for boys and one for girls
  • Hawaii population

    population 30,000