

  • King Kamehameha I

    King Kamehameha I
    United all of the Hawaiian Islands and formed the Kingdom of Hawai'i.
  • Queen Ka'ahumanu

    Queen Ka'ahumanu
    Favorite wife of Kamehameha I who wielded considerable political power even after his death. Convinced Kamehameha II to overturn the kapu system.
  • King Kamehameha II

    King Kamehameha II
    Second king of Hawaii who overturned the kapu system. He also visited London with his wife.
  • Queen Kamamalu

    Queen Kamamalu
    The half-sister and favorite wife of Kamehameha II. She visited London with her husband.
  • King Kamehameha III

    King Kamehameha III
    Longest ruling Hawaiian king. Three different types of government characterized his reign: a regency, an autocracy, and a constitutional monarchy. Instituted The Great Mahele.
  • Queen Kalama

    Queen Kalama
    Wife of Kamehameha III who was loved by her people.
  • Princess Ruth

    Princess Ruth
    Hawaiian princess who refused to convert to Christianity and learned but would not speak English.
  • King Kamehameha V

    King Kamehameha V
    King of Hawaii who adopted a less liberal constitution and worried about the possibility of annexation. Died unmarried without naming a successor.
  • King Kamehameha IV

    King Kamehameha IV
    King of Hawaii who founded The Queen's Hospital and established the Angelican Church in Hawaii. Considered to be very pro-British.
  • Queen Kapi'olani

    Queen Kapi'olani
    Wife of Kalakaua who served as the representative of Hawaii in London. Founded the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children. Concerned about the preservation of the Hawaiian race.
  • Queen Emma

    Queen Emma
    The wife of Kamehameha IV. Founded The Queen's Hospital and established the Angelican Church in Hawaii. Considered to be very pro-British. Tried to sieze the throne after the death of her husband, but was defeated by Kalakaua.
  • King Kalakaua

    King Kalakaua
    Elected king of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Accepted a constitution which greatly limited his powers.
  • Queen Lili'uokalani

    Queen Lili'uokalani
    Last queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
  • Princess Likelike

    Princess Likelike
    Sister of the last two rulers of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the last heir to the throne. Married a Scotsman.