Haupt Family Timeline

By Thaupt
  • Period: to

    Haupt Family that i can remember

  • Haupt immogration form prussia germany

    the haupt family moved to australia duing the late 1700's. i cannot remeber the exact date. we came on a ship of 57 and 23 were Haupts. on the trip over it took several months and 6 peopled died on the journey but 7 were born, (4 of the mothers passed during birth, their was also a pair of twins, thier mother didn't pass).
  • Biggaden

    the haupt faimly settle out in a near town of biggaden, where up untill this generation passed, the family has been raised on the same farm. my father, unkele and auntie were the last haupts to be rasied on the family farm, my great grand father poppy cross currently ownes the farm and was diagnosed with stomach cancer only 4 days after his 99th birthday this year.
  • poppy cross was born

    this is when my great-grandfather popy cross was born. on my father's side. poppy cross is currently 99 and had stomach cancer, back in 2008 he was on a muster with his 3 sons (had 7 kids) when a stampeed of cattle forced him off of his horse, the house stood over poppy cross causeing the cattle to run acround him. one of the last bullocks ramed into the horse and stood on poppy cross's head causing servier damage to his brain. after scans were done it had shown that his brain had srunk.
  • poppy cross cont.

    to 1/3 of its orgininal size. up untill we has diagnosed with stomach cancer earlier this year he lived by himself, my grand mother is currently up with him at the moment caring for him untill on of her sisters can take over because she a servier chest infection. at this stage it lookes like super bitch will take over looking after poppy for a few weeks and try and get herself in thw will
  • Popy was born

    this is my grandfather on my mother's side.
  • Gand Mar olllie was born

    this was my great grand mother on my fathers side.
  • Dadat was born

    this is when my grandfather was born
  • Gran was born

    this is when my grandmother on my mother's side was born
  • MarMar was born

    this when when my grandmother was born.
  • Dad was Born

    this was when dad was born
  • Mum was born

    this is when mum was born
  • parents marrige

  • Travis Haupt

    this was when iw was born
  • Sister Born

    this is the date my sister was born
  • Grand ma ollies passing

    this is when great grandmar ollie passed away on this date